Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In My Own Little World... Population Me.

From the hours of 7:15 to 9am and 2:15 to 4:30 I am a personal school bus. By the time Kaitlyn gets out of school at 4:15 I am DONE with traffic.

Yesterday I picked her up and we had to stop at the grocery store. We get to the store aaand I realize I left my purse WITH MY WALLET IN IT at home. Oh Yay. So we go Back To The House, grab my purse and head back to the store.

As we're driving, a guy on a motorcycle pulls out in front of me and goes about 5 miles an hour. I was SO irritated. I was all like...  expletive expletivee expletiveee!! (Can you tell that patience isn't what I do best?)

Aaaand then I hear this song starts playing on the radio. 

Touche God. Touche.