Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Project Forgiveness

There has been a recurring theme in my life lately.
Over and Over, I think I have conquered it. But it Keeps Coming Back.

I'm going to be honest and admit that this is one lesson I wish my stubborn self would Just Get Already.
Because I am tired of learning it.
It hurts.
Everyone has felt it. At some point, we've all been hurt, dissapointed or offended by Other People.
There have been things that weren't reallyyyy horrible, even though I Might Have Felt like they were. But there are some things that were truly, trulyy horrible.
Things I really need to forgive.
Things that I have told myself I have already forgiven. 
Some of which, when I said I Forgavee, SOMETIMES I Might Have actually meant.... I have forgiven you On The Outside....
As in...
I'm supposed to forgive you sooo...
I will be pleasant to you.
I will smile at you and speak kindly.
And no one would ever guess that I cringe inside just at the thought of your name. Or how simply hearing your voice makes me want to hurl.
I'm not nice because I'm weak. Or because I accept what was done. Or because I'm being fake. Or because I'm such a great person.  I'm nice because I know It's What I Am Supposed To Do.  Because I have been forgiven much, and I truly WANT to forgive as Quickly and Completely as God forgives me. And because, regardless of how much I may fall, I still Strive to do the right thing.
Even when it's hard.
Even when it's not what I want to do.
Even when it doesn't feel good.
Even when I struggle.
Even when I fail.... Which is probably Prettyy Often:D
... so Let It Go and be Amazed byy what you see through Eyes of Gracee, the prisoner that it really frees is you<3 Forgiveness

Who Am I?

I am one voice.

A Very Ordinary voice.

A voice crying out in the wilderness. 

A woman's voice.

I am Eve. I am Ruth. I am Hanna. I am a stranger in a foreign land. I am Esther. I am Rebecca. I am Sarah. I am Josea's Wife. I am Solomon's Bride. I am The Virtuous Wife. I am Mary. I am Martha. I am The Woman At The Well. I am your mother, your sister, your daughter...  I am Heather Denise:):)

Fearfully and wonderfully made..... For better or worse;)

And FINALLY, I'm ohkayy with being just that:D:D

I am every woman that you've ever known. And I'm every woman that you've never known. And I want what all women want.

I want someone to look at me and not just see two eyes, a nose, a mouth and two ears. But to see all that I am And Could Be. All my hopes, loves and fears.

To hear and know my heart.

Because... To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known.
Otherwise... What's the point of doing either one of them in the first place... ?

So this is my voice.

The voice of my heart.

A heart that seeks after His<3

Caught up, called out...

God's been calling me to do something. 

And I've been... Kindd of... uhmm... Well... Ignoring Him  -__ -

Lol, That's probably the face He's giving me too.

Why am I ignoring Him? I say there's no time, and there ARE definitelyy alot of *Things that keep me busy, buuuttt... I know that He can make time. So that's really no excuse.

The truth (shall set you free:D!!) is that it's fear that keeps me from fully Stepping Into His Purpose.

I tell myself (and Him) that I can't do it, I'm not capable. His word tells me that I don't have to be. Because He Is. And He already knows that I'm not. And He Doesn't Care about that! Lolol.

So I'm going to Step Out In Faith... Walk In Courage...

And Just Do It<3

Friday, March 8, 2013

Things that make you go hmm...

Conversation with Thing 4<3
Thing 4: I like wearing these pants to school'cause I can sliiiideee like this (demonstration) down the hallway.
Me: When do your teachers let you slide down the hallway at school!??
Thing 4: Uhmmm.... When they're not looking....
Me: ....-__-..........
Is it wrong that I laughed when he walked away:D??