Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WW: The last baby hair

Thing 6 is getting a haircut today. It's WAY past time. I've selfishly let him look like a little girl for about 6 months. Because this is The Last baby hair I will ever have, and even though we have 6 kids, and I know We're GOOD with that... it still makes me sad to think that my baby is now a toddler... and that today marks the beginning of a baby free life :(

So while I go find some chocolate to console myself in... YOU can go check out more Wordless (and Not So Wordless) Wednesdays @5minutesformom.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday: I might be a slacker.

It took me like... half a pot of Coffee to be all Yay Monday! this morning. And umm... By the way, this morning has now become Yesterday morning.

Apparently I overestimated my Smackdown Power because I'm still Tackling last Tuesday's laundry.

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

But I did have some Productive Moments. And I was Inspired. And Motivated. And Encouraged. AND I learned something new.

Back in the day there was a place in Greece that the Athenians called Mars Hill. (Areopagus)

All the people would go there everyday and chill. Gather, fellowship... whatever you want to call it. And the people would Prophesy (reveal by divine inspiration) or speak about the ways God was moving in their lives, the knowledge, discernment and understanding that He was giving them...

I think that's awesome.

I'm working on Being Bold In Christ but.. well... maybe not so much.

So often I'll talk to someone, or read something and think... "I really need to say ____" Aaand then I don't. I have all this knowledge that I just choose not to share.

Don't get me wrong... I don't have it because I'm Super Smart or anything. More like Super Stubborn and He has had to teach me Alot of things The Hard Way. Which sucks. Atleast at the time. I should want to help others avoid that by sharing what I've learned right?

So, this week, along with my Ocean of Laundry (which, so you know, is now All Clean... However it is also completely covering the pool table, just sitting there, waiting to be Folded and Put Away) I am going to be Cleaning House on the Inside.

I am tackling... ME.

(Yesss I need Lots and Lots of Hard Core Prayer ;)

Have something you need to tackle? Go see the girls at 5min4mom and hook up with Mr Linky. Tell us what you’re up to… housework and otherwise... :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday on a Wordless Wednesday

Add all of these together and you have a pretty accurate visual of the Ocean of Laundry that I've been doggy paddling through this week.

And most of them look like this....

Ehwww! How do they even DO that!??

So I'm Putting The Smackdown on it.

And I'm going to Shout It Out.

Because by yesterday of next week it will look like this...

Sigh. OKAY it will really look like this...

But I'm good with that too :)

For more Tackle It Tuesday's and/or Wordless Wednesday go see the girls @ 5min4mom

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RTT: So Lotta Random, so little time...

I haven't done Random Tuesdays in a while because there have been So Many Other Things keeping me busy. So busy in fact, that I was actually scared to open my Google Reader this morning. But I Kept On Persevering through the fear and clicked on it anyway and up pops Keely. I just couldn't resist her Efficiency.

The Un Mom
  • Yesterday I did something new. I decided I was going to Embrace the FreshNewStartiness of Mondays. Sadly, Monday decided not to Return My Embrace. Rude! So.... Yay Tuesday!
  • I think I am going to Stop Overanalyzing the fact that I over analyze Everything and just go with it. HOWEVER, I believe that "A closed mouth gathers no foot." which leads to me think that Brevity is Good. So I'm not going to overanalyze things Out Loud anymore.
  • This doesn't count because I'm typing Quietly.
  • Thing4 was talking to me after school about how his day had been. I was listening to him while I was cleaning the kitchen. Which means asking Alot of Very Specific questions if you want to know anything important and otherwise MMhmmm'ing in the right places.
Cause I'm a good mom like that ;)

  • He tells me he learned SO Much and I was like You DID? That's Awesome! What did you learn? Ummm..... I can't really remember.
AND THEN... "My friend Jacob told me he has a coochie. Mommy what's a coochie?"
So, I'm thinking I'm going to be hs'ing next year.
Because if my KINDER-GARDENER is hearing that word,
WTSamHeck is my 3rd Grader hearing?

  • Apparently, I do not Adapt Well To Change because I am NOT happy that someone broke my Facebook. WtHeck!? Really?? I LOVE my friends. So much. But I just don't feel the need to know Every Single Thing they do. Do we really Need to know every time they become Friends with SomeoneIDon'tKnow? or are a Fan of SomeCrapIDon'tCareAbout? NOPE. Not so much.
  • My kids are So Freakin Excited about halloween being this weekend. We don't normally do traditional halloweeny stuff. But this year a friend is having a birthday/ Trick Or Treating party. So we're going to go. I just want to make sure that they understand that I get ALL of the Peanut M & Ms we are not going to crack out on candy for the next week.

Now go post your own Random Tuesday Thoughts and link up @ The because I cleared out my Google Reader and now I have absolutely nothing to distract me from my laundry :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ya so I had this amazing plan....

to Embrace the FreshNewStartness of Mondays...

I was inspired by This Post and some of the comments because, well, me and Mondays have just never been friends.

Fridays excite me because I know for Two Whole Days the only thing I really have to worry about is the kids.

Okay, let me rephrase that... The only thing I have to worry about during the day is the kids... and then I can get my CDO on at night Cleaning Up All The Messes because I don't have to wake up at the Stupid O'Clockk the next morning.

But they made Monday sound SO wonderful! All of a sudden Monday became so exciting... Fresh and New and Full of Hope.

Ummm... ya.

So this morning, I wake up to "IT'S 7:30 I WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE FOR WORK A 1/2 HOUR AGO. I gotta leave RIGHT NOW! Aaaand btw, the kids missed the bus.. "

Did I mention that we only have 1 car right now?

And I look at the alarm clocks (YES, I use Two) and they are both BLINKING obnoxiously...

Monday Pictures, Images and Photos

Apparently, Monday is not Returning My Embrace. Thankfully I don't have to Depend On Mondays for a Fresh New Start.

So for those of you who are like me...

mondaycoffee Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quotable Sunday: Total Momsense :) Because THIS is what I say, on ANY given day.

And, Anita Renfroe just rocks. I was lucky enough to see her at WOF 2008 and she is Hi-Larious.


Get up now
Get up now
Get up out of bed
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your sleepy head
Here's your clothes
And your shoes
Hear the words I said
Get up now
Get up and make your bed
Are you hot?
Are you cold?
Are you wearing that?
Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at?
Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat
Don't forget you got to feed the cat
Eat your breakfast
The experts tell us it's the most important meal of all
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall
Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today?
Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon
So you must play
Don't shovel
Chew slowly
But hurry
The bus is here
Be careful
Come back here
Did you wash behind your ears?
Play outside
Don't play rough
Would you just play fair?
Be polite
Make a friend
Don't forget to share
Work it out
Wait your turn
Never take a dare
Get along
Don't make me come down there
Clean your room
Fold your clothes
Put your stuff away
Make your bed
Do it now
Do we have all day?
Were you born in a barn?
Would you like some hay
Can you even hear a word I say?
Answer the phone
Get Off the phone
Don't sit so close
Turn it down
No texting at the table
No more computer time tonight
Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up
Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home?
Saying thank you, please, excuse me
Makes you welcome everywhere you roam
You'll appreciate my wisdom
Someday when you're older and you're grown
Can't wait 'til you have a couple little children of your own
You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly
But right now
I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me
Close your mouth when you chew
Would appreciate
Take a bite
Maybe two
Of the stuff you hate
Use your fork
Do not you burp
Or I'll set you straight
Eat the food I put upon your plate
Get an A, Get the door
Don't get smart with me
Get a Grip
Get in here I'll count to 3
Get a job
Get a life
Get a PhD
Get a dose of...
I don't care who started it
You're grounded until your 36
Get your story straight
And tell the truth for once for heaven's sake
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff
Would you jump too?
If I've said it once, I've said at least a thousand times before that
You're too old to act this way
It must be your father's DNA
Look at me when I am talking
Stand up straight when you walk
A place for everything
And everything must be in place
Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Get your PJs on
Get in bed
Get a hug
Say a prayer with Mom
Don't forget
I love you
And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's work never ends
You don't need the reason why
I said so
I said so
I said so
I said so
I'm the Mom
The mom
The mom
The mom
The mom

Now go see Toni @ A Daily Dose for more...
Mothers Day Gift Ideas
But shhhh.. she really doesn't like screaming.

PS. If you love Momsense you've gotta watch Total Momsense.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

All we need is Love.

Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does.

That's all. You can continue with the rest of your day now ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WW: You're so pretty. Ya, I know.

I think I'm going to have to lock her up when she hits 14.

Just pretend like you don't see THAT MESS on my kitchen counter M'kay?

See more (possibly cleaner) Wordless Wednesdays @ 5 Minutes for Mom

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Going Balls to the Wall... :7 Things to 7 people.

As in, Things I Wish I Could Say To You But Can't and Probably Never Will...

Did you know that the saying "balls to the wall" has nothing at ALL to do with testicles? It is totally a flying reference that implies giving it all you've got, so feel free to say it in church!

this comes from a very reliable source...

I have been struggling with some things lately. Several things, actually.

Remember when I said I wish there was a way to 27 thing fling my mind? Well, I have been Opening Up Boxes filled with Issues that have been Packed Up and taken with me Everywhere, and I have finally decided to do a little Decluttering.

I have some things that I think I need to get off my chest.

I'm just gonna put it all out there...
Balls to the Wall...

Here we go...

  • I hope that someday you can see me for who I try to be. And I'm sorry that's not always the same as who I end up being. Please, just... have a little faith in me. I know I can do this.
  • I really really need you right now. So much. I'm going through some things that I know you could help me with. I want to ask for your help, but I can't. You are such an amazing person... and... I want you to keep thinking that I am amazing too.
  • I wish I could find a way to share my Faith with you. I see how much you need it... and it's a Gift that I have been given in abundance. And, while I am soooo thankful for that gift, if I knew how, if I could ease your struggles even a tiny bit, it would be yours in less than a heartbeat.
  • It reeeaaally sucks that you're never there for me when I need you. And, please don't take this the wrong way because I love you and I will always be here for you No Matter What but... 98% of the drama that you spend so much time worrying yourself sick over is Self Created. Remember??? The definition of Insane is doing the Same Thing and Expecting Change.
  • I get the feeling you don't really want to talk to me. If that's the case well, then... just keep doing what you're doing I guess... But I think you're one of the most beautiful, transparent passionate people I've ever met. And I think about you almost every day.
  • It hurts me to watch you never get any further than trying to make yourself happy. When will you realize that your flesh can never be fully satisfied? Every time you satisfy one desire, there will be another bigger, darker desire waiting to take it's place. This is where depravity is born. Please don't waste your life mistaking physical pleasure for love... or numbing your emotions instead of just dealing with your realities. You are beautiful and you're worth so much more than that.
  • I know I've forgiven you and we've moved on. I truly believe that we are in a completely different place now. But sometimes I can't help but think about it. And... I still don't understand how you could do that to me...

Okay that was only a 7 Thing Fling. But I can only dig so deep at one time. And they were Heavy so it still counts as 27 ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Everybody needs an Emmett.

One of the speakers at the Women of Faith conference this year was Lisa Welchel. I don't know if you remember her or not but once upon a time she played Blaire on The Facts of Life.

To be completely honest with you, I wasn't really looking forward to hearing her speak. I don't know why. I have absolutely nothing against the woman.

Ironically enough, she was the one that God used to speak to me the most.

He's pretty funny that way :)

It was kind of weird actually because the details and circumstances of my life are nothing like hers. But the emotions and the isolation that she experienced... the walls that she built around herself... I was surprised to find that I could relate to every single thing that came out of her mouth.

At one point she was talking about when she attended a WOF conference (before she started speaking) and she went with Anita Renfroe, who spoke last year. If you're not familiar with her you should look her up. She is hi-lar-ious.

Anyway, she was sitting there listening to Marilyn Meberg (also VERY funny!) talk about all of these things she's been through and how she wouldn't have been able to make it through any of it without Emmett who was this amazing friend and then she went on to describe their friendship...

And Lisa Welchel talked about how it just hit her, right then and there how she had closed herself off from having open authentic relationships with other women and other people for so long and all she could do was sit there and cry...

And she said (this is Lisa talking...), "Anita took one look at me and asked 'You don't have an Emmett do you?' And I said 'Noooooo.' and then Anita says 'Well... I would make a sucky Emmett but I'm going to pray for you to find yours.'

And as I was sitting there... in that arena filled with thousands of other women... listening to her share her life I realized that I have done the same exact thing.

I have built walls around myself so high and so solid that it would probably take longer to tear them down than the Great Wall of China.

As I came to this realization, the tears just started streaming and all I could do was just Pray for God to start tearing down those walls... and to send me my Emmett too.

Since that little Emotional Breakdown I've also realized that there are things that I am meant to share with others. That I need to stop feeling unworthy and ashamed and... afraid.

He has plans for me. Because somewhere out there is someone who needs ME to be their Emmett.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

OMGosh! This week has been SO busy!

I am not doing ANYTHING today!

  • School started Tuesday:)
  • Thing4 started Kindergarten.
  • I've been reading all of these posts about kids starting kindergarten.
  • So many mom's are sad or anxious.
  • Ya. You won't find any of that here.
  • I've been doing the happy dance all.week.long.
  • This week has been the most awesomely amazing week.
  • Tuesday was the Best.Day.EVER!
  • I would have run outside yelling that, as some people may have pictured me doing...
  • But I figured the neighbors have seen more than enough of me lately already. You'reWelcomeVeryMuch!
  • So I restrained myself ;)
  • My Martha Brain thrives on anything that requires Planning, Scheduling, Organizing and LISTS!
  • She has totally taken over so I am In.The.Zone
  • It only took me like 30/45 minutes to clean
  • I had time to do *prek with Thing5.
  • She practiced the letter A, shapes and colors.
  • She also poured half a bottle of BedHead conditioner down the TIOLET!
  • And.. ummm... gave herself a haircut... with the clippers... while I was making breakfast...
  • Guess who left those down??? And PLUGGED IN!
  • I got to dance around the family room with Thing6.
  • We were totally rockin out to Ren & Stimpy.
  • I have decided to stop fighting Martha and just embrace the sickness.

  • I LOVE planning.
  • Routines excite me.
  • Schedules get me all hot and bothered.
  • I won't even tell you what Lists do to me...
  • Yes! I admit it! Cleaning turns me on!
  • I am a MUCH better mom during the school year.
  • Whatever.
  • I am an organizer to the point of rampant OCDism.
  • And I am Okay with that.
  • Thing1 is homeschooling.
  • The 6th grade curriculum was apparently not appealing enough....
  • And the thought of getting naked in a locker room full of other people just sealed the deal for him.
  • SO on top of the required curriculum... he is adding a course in media/graphic design and one of his (chosen) projects is to create a Graphic Novel.
  • The Ultimate.Kid.Alliance vs Supermommy.
  • MMMhmmmm.
  • Do you think I should be worried?
  • Because... I'm a little worried.
  • What if they do this in real life? And win???

Cate seems to be
pretty busy today...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bleeding, PeePee dancing, Flashing... You know... All of the usual stuff you do in a week...


  • So last week was a pretty interesting week.
  • Not exactly the Most.Hellacious.Day.EVER! type of week, but still... definitely not boring.
  • Not that we actually have very many boring days around here to begin with.
  • The more I think about it... boring could be good for a little while.
  • Just so you know...
  • I am NOT writing anything else about PEE or URINE or POTTY TRAINING EVER again!
  • For 2 reasons.
1. It seems to be prophetic.

2. Someone searched peepee dance aaaaand my blog came up 1st thing.

Along with some really really freaky creepy stuff.

Like anonymous peepee dance groups.

And strange videos.

And peepee kings.

Did you know that someone will actually PAY you to do wierd peepee dance stuff????


And those are just things that I saw right off the search page. I was too creeped out to actually click on any of those links....

So, no more peepee here. Nope. You will not see that word here again.

As far as the internet is concerned... we no longer pee at my house ;)

  • Thing5 busted her head open. As in huge hole in her forehead with LOTS of blood loss and screaming and gnashing of teeth.
  • 4 stitches worth of busting her head open actually.
  • She hit it on the edge of a concrete bench.
  • Out of 6 kids she's the first to have to be rushed to the E.R.
  • So I'm doing pretty darn good here!
  • And she was AMAZING.
  • Beyond amazing.
  • The.MOST.Amazing.Child.EVER!
  • When they came in to do the stitches the guy wanted to *papoose her. As in wrap her up in a sheet like a mummy so she couldn't move.
  • WTH??
  • The guy was like "Yeah it just makes it easier to keep them still. We've found that most kids fight us when it comes time to do stitches.
  • Umm... YA! I'm sure the whole mummy sheet thing has NOTHING to do with that.
  • So I was adamant about NO turning my sweet little 3yo into a mummy. And we told her she had to lay down and be really really still so the doctor could put the *string band aids in her head so it can heal.
  • She says "It's okay. God is already healing it."
  • And I told her that God sent the doctors to give her band aids"
  • She laid perfectly still the whole.entire.time.
  • She didn't move.
  • She didn't cry.
  • She didn't even whimper.
  • It's like she just went inside herself until it was all over.
  • She was absolute awesomeness.
  • So I gave her my peanut M&M's.

  • I think Thing2 is showing Doctor Potential.

Thing2: "I know just what to do mommy! Thing5... What does 2+2 equal???"

Thing5... who just turned 3 and has NO idea what 2+2 equals on ANY day: "2+2 equals... my head is BLEEDING!"

Thing2: "OH MY GOSH I think she has BRAIN DAMAGE!"

  • I read something about the more colorful your food is the better it’s supposed to be for you. I think I might even have read it on one of the rtt's from last week.

  • So I'm wondering if that's real.

  • And if it includes M&M's.

  • Because if it is true then they should definitely count.

  • They are VERY colorful ;)

  • Apparently I am now in the *business of flashing.
  • Construction crews no less.
  • I had a lil help from Thing6.

I was outside talking to a neighbor holding a WIGGLY Thing6. Who decided to pull my shirt down. And you could see.. well..things that are usually NOT seen by the general public... And to top it all off 3 construction trucks happened to be rolling by... death by mortification....

You can read more Random Thoughts at
The Un Mom

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Because this is my favorite quote EVER.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" Theodore Roosevelt

Doesn't that just.rock.?

And because his awesomeness does not end there, here are a few more...

  • "It is no use to preach to [children] if you do not act decently yourself."
  • "For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison."
  • "I never keep boys waiting. It's a hard trial for a boy to wait."
  • "The one thing I want to leave my children is an honorable name." "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
  • Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground."
  • "I have a perfect horror of words that are not backed up by deeds."
  • "The worst of all fears is the fear of living."
  • "There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother."
  • "Don't hit at all if you can help it; don't hit a man if you can possibly avoid it; but if you do hit him, put him to sleep."
  • "Alone of human beings the good and wise mother stands on a plane of equal honor with the bravest soldier; for she has gladly gone down to the brink of the chasm of darkness to bring back the children in whose hands rests the future of the years. "
Pretty smart for someone who's not even a mommy ;)

Get your quote on...
Mothers Day Gift Ideas

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I don't even think words exist to adequately describe the hellaciousness that was my day

Yesterday was I am POSITIVE that somehow, at some time ... atleast once during the day I absolutely earned the Worst.Mother.EVER! award. Not exactly what I was aiming for.

I was in Cdo Clean mode.What's the best way to get something CLEAN???? Move EVERYTHING out of your way! Aaaaand while you've already got everything torn apart ya might as well just rearrange the Entire room. And if you're switching that room, why not just do 2 or 3 or 4 more???? While I was busy doing that... the Little Things were busy doing All.Kinds.Of.Stuff.
  • Thing1 put a hole in his thumb with the stapler.
  • Thing2 hit Thing 3 in the mouth with a hammer.
  • A hammer!!!
  • She was trying to *fix her chair and apparently Thing3 thought it would be a good idea to stand BEHIND her.
  • While she swung.a.hammer.
  • You can imagine all the bloodshed for yourself.
  • ALSO .. apparently... everything I say to Thing2 is considered (by her) to be *optional suggestions as opposed to the adamantinstructionthatyouMUSTobey that I consider it to be.
  • I really wanted to hit her.
  • I didn't.
  • I wouldn't.
  • I've never hit anyone in my entire life and I'm certainly NOT going to start with my 8yo. daughter.
  • Who I really do love so much. 
  • Even though her behavior was not quite so loveable.
  • But I really really wanted to.
  • What kind of mother wants to hit their child????
  • It is IMPOSSIBLE to walk away when you are a sahm of 6.
  • Okay, I'm exaggerating a little bit.
  • It's not impossible to walk away... but it is completely impossible to walk away ALONE!
  • Thing6 aka *theDiaperAnnihilator found the way out of his diaper
  • He was so quiet I thought he was still sleeping.
  • It had some stuff in it.
  • He used it to decorate. All.over.his.crib.
  • While I'm giving the baby a bath Thing5 comes in to *potty.
  • And for some strange reason has to take off every article of clothing currently being worn to do this.
  • She does what she has to do and instead of immediately regarbing, takes off running...
  • Out the door....
  • So if you happened to be driving in Tampa yesterday and you saw a soaking wet crazy woman carrying a half naked baby in a towel chasing a totally naked 3 yo around the  backyard....
  • Ya.
  • That would have been me.
  • Aaaaand I put a PadLock on the fridge.
  • You think I'm joking.... but I am SO serious.
  • Access Denied!
That's not even half of what went on... but I'm getting Emotionally.Exhausted. just thinking about it. Soooo I'm going to go daydream about taking a nap. And you, well, you can go get your random on.

Keely's Random is *SuperFly.

The Un Mom

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Defeated by the Master of Adorability. You may have won this time but this isn't the last you've seen of me.

O.M.Gosh. I think my Cdo Martha mind is starting to rub off on Thing5.

She just pitched a complete footstompingarmsgoingup&downamileaminutescreamingatthetopofherlungs hissy fit.

Because it was BedTime! and I wouldn't let her put her book in the right pile on her shelf and organize all of the other books that were laying on the floor.

What have I done to my child???

And then she totally suckered me into letting her stay up for a few more minutes engaged me in an absolutely fascinating and irresistible conversation.

Thing5 "Will you pleeeeesssssase lay with me for a few minutes?

*Me "You're a Big.Girl. Don't you want to go lay down in your bed like a Big.Girl?

Thing5 "No cause I don't wanna be all alone."

*Me "But you're never all alone cause Jesus is always with you."

Thing5 "But no he's not there right now."

*Me "I promise he's always there. No matter what."

Thing5 "Well I think he went down to my stomach for a little while."

And then proceeded to say...

"Jesus is the Best.Ever! And so is God! and I think he has sharp claws. Sharp claws that give you claw kisses. Oooh sharp claw teeth that give you claw teeth kisses. Like sharks. But not like the real sharks that eat you but like the nice sharks who talk and they don't eat you cause they like Sharkboy and Lavagirl."

*Me "Hmmm.... I'm just not sure about all that."

And then because I am a.complete.sucker my SuperMommyStayingPowers were weakened by such blatant adorability, I admitted defeat and when we were all snugglied together she looked up at me and whispered very softly "I love you mommy soooooooo much!"

Because a (notSO) SuperMommy knows it's easier to pick your battles.

And some battles are just worth losing ;)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

So stop what you're doing and get up RIGHT NOW and go hug your kids!

Unless your kids are asleep and you reinforce the *He Who Wakes The Baby Gets The Baby Back To Sleep* rule like we do.

In that case, just go stand in the doorway and give them a very quiet *Air Hug.

Cause I'm surely not getting any more babies back to sleep tonight.

I am dooonnneee! The SuperMommy cape ...aka Thing4's blankie... is hung up for the day.


Guess what's coming up ya'll???

I LOVE their disclaimer.
Note: As we all know, plans can change, but this is what we expect.

Truth in advertising.

I'm totally using that from now on so....
if you know me, you can just expect to hear that from me in the future when we make plans ;)

I'm sorry I suck like that but iloveyou anyway.

I personally think that you should hug your kids everyday but hey... who am I to argue with a National Holiday?

I can see it now...

"Nope. Sorry. I already hugged you this year. You have 258 more days to go before your next hug."

I'm sure that would go over well.

So, here are 6 reasons to Hug Your Kids ... everyday :)

1. Because they cheerfully and gracefully suck up any punishment that you dish out...
Thing1 "You shouldn't ground me because I've been mommyblogged! Since when is public humiliation considered an effective form of discipline?"

2. Because they know how to cover their bases...
Thing 2
"And Dear Lord please forgive us for all of the things we did and said that were not good today, and please forgive us for all of the bad things that we are about to do."

3. Because they have such an extraordinary sense of smell...
Thing3 "This flower smells" long, thoughtful pause ...
Mommy "...a flower?"
Thing3 "Nooooo." ...deep sniff of aforementioned flower ... It smells like A Beautiful Day!"

4. Because if you can't do it, they will...
"It's okay Ma... don't be a scaredy cat... I got this"

5. Because they are unwavering in thier convictions....
Thing5 "Well. You're not the boss of meeee."
Mommy "Yes I most certainly am the boss of You. I am The Mommy! The Mommy is always the boss.
Thing5 "Well. You aaarrreee the boss of meeee."

6. Because they are just SO gosh darn huggable!

Now, that just makes me wanna go and find some slobbery baby kisses. Because those are my favorite ;)

So... go hug Your kids!

And have A Beautiful Day.

And if you're very very lucky ... maybe You can find some slobbery baby kisses too ;)

Friday, July 17, 2009

The one where God surely does have an ironic sense of humor...

One thing I have always always known, regardless of anything else, is that I wanted to be a wife and a mom. No matter what else I did ...that was a *given.

I remember praying for this as far back as I can remember. And my only *request, was that the man I fell in love with would have a passion for me that was so intense it would only be superseded by his passion for Christ.

Had I known then what I know now I would *most definently have thrown in a few more particulars about dishes and diapers ;)

Of course I was really only expecting to have 1... maybe 2 kids.


SO... my Alohaa Friday questions for YOU are...

  1. Is there anything you've always just KNOWN about your life?
  2. Does it look the way you expected it to?

Now, head on over to An Island Life to link up and answer some other, more interesting Aloha Friday questions.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are.

Hey you.

Mr. Sunshine,

How ya been? Haven't really seen you much lately.

I know you're pretty busy. You know, giving light to the world and all.

Lately I've been pretty darn busy too. Even busier than usual.

Because I have 6 children, SIX children at home and since they can't go outside they've been more than a little creative about occupying themselves.!

There have been frogs and skateboard ramps and water fights with the sprayer thingie on my kitchen sink. And end.less. hours of Hannah Montana.

So look, since we're both so busy here lets just be real and make this quick so we can get back to what we have to do.

I 'm totally onto you.

I've heard, from a very reputable source that you've been ALL OVER South Tampa like a crackhead on.... well, crack.

South Tampa is nice. I grew up there. I like it too.

Hyde Park & Ballast Point rock. I know.

But YOU cannot play favorites. It is your JOB to shine on everyone.

I demand my sunshiny day rights!

So go out there and ...shine.

Well. Maybe ...not so much right now.

Cause it's like midnight here and some people just might not like that so much.

I bet She has sunshine.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Linky Bloghoppin Stuff. On A Tuesday.

All of my favorite things in 1 post!

Lists, Multi-tasking and Efficiency.


We're takin a walk on the *wild side;)

I know.

Martha, Martha, Martha!

She pops up so much lately I'm beginning to think she's a whole 'nother personality.

Would that make me schizophrenic or is that only if I start talking to her???


So here are 29 things about me that you might not know and probably didn't want to but have always wanted to.
  1. I'm terrible at small talk. Even if you call it "fellowship".
  2. I'm shy. Really. Just pass the doughnuts, and please don't make me talk.
  3. Unless I know you. Then you probably won't be able to shut me up. Because chances are you're the FIRST adult conversation I've had all week.
  4. So I guess you get that I'm not big on social settings.
  5. or public restrooms.
  6. or other things that smell bad.
  7. I really really love Febreeze.
  8. and Shout.
  9. I can use an ENTIRE bottle of Shout in 3 days.
  10. I really really do not love laundry.
  11. It is possible to feed kids and then look up at 4pm and realize you forgot to eat. Again.
  12. And then you're so hungry you could eat ... well ... something you normally wouldn't.
  13. I keeping a running estimate of the caloric values of everything I eat in mind.
  14. If we are what we eat, I am 1/3 veggies, 1/3 carbs, and 1/3 Chocolate Chip Cookies.
  15. I'm thinking that if you’re anal retentive ocd enough to calculate calories and then admit to extreme cookie consumption, you probably should not make such information public:D
  16. I write inspirational, * chick lit.
  17. I would love to be published one day.
  18. But would hate all the social scenes that might involve.
  19. Stormie O’Martian’s The Power of a Praying Wife was Life.Changing.
  20. My husband and I have been together for 10 years.
  21. I was very young.
  22. And very, very stupid.
  23. And God has done SO much with me that now I would only add 1 notveryemphatic very before the stupid.
  24. And that's saying ALOT.
  25. God is really really good.
  26. I like to talk to Him when I'm half asleep snuggled under the covers.
  27. And when I'm driving.
  28. Which often makes the people driving beside me look at me like I'm insane for talking to myself.
  29. 30% of those times I might...actually... be talking to myself.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing1 is SOOOO grounded

He doesn't know it yet. Right now he's passed out drooling on his pillow like a sailor on leave at the end of a 3day drinking binge.

My firstborn. My most intelligent, most responsible child

was on Facebook at 3am.

How do I know this? Because when I logged in at 7:53 this morning I got this notification...

Tristan challenged you to a quiz. View quiz >> 5 hours ago.

Didn't really think that one all the way through didja?

The next time you get to tell Facebook What's On Your Mind will be about the time Thing6 starts preschool.

So my darling Thing1. I'm happy to see that you're so *itk on short text words.

Maybe you can figure this one out.


Now, I'm off to try and figure out how to lock this baby up. Or down. Or .. idk cause I've never had to do it before. But just know this. Compared to getting into this computer .. getting into Fort Knox will be like takin candy from a baby.

Actually that's really not so easy.

Have you ever tried it? Babies are very ...grabby.

I'm gonna try again.

Compared to getting into this computer .. getting into Fort Knox will seem like a piece of cake.

Yummy chocolate cake.

Now I want cake.

So I'm off to put the cuffs on Thing1.

Well... maybe I'll just go find some cake first ;)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Open Letter to .. my Wild Child

Dear Thing4,

I love you. I love you sooooo much. I really really do.

Butt seriouslyyy... you make me completely insane sometimes.

I say "NO THING4 DON"T JUMP THOSE STEPS ON THAT SKATEBOARD. It's a CONCRETE FLOOR for goodness sake! You'll BUST YOUR HEAD OPEN." And you look at me, and listen to all of my reasons why you And then you consider ... aaaand ... "Nah. Don't worry Mom. That won't happen to me. I know how to do this."

And when I think I finally have you convinced not to pretend your Tony Hawk inside my house, and I turn around to chase after Thing6 who has learned how to take off his diaper and RUUUUUNNN while laughing hysterically because he is winning, I hear your delighted shout of glee "I KNEW I could do it. Right On."

I mean, really. WTHeck am I supposed to do with you?

ALL of my threats of "because you could hurt yourself" are just tossed right out the window that Thing5 has opened and is now trying to climb out of.

And when I feebly say "Ya. Well. You COULD have gotten hurt" you just grin at me and sing "So what who cares?? I got Jesus baby." (No more Lecrae for YOU!)

Aaaand apparently, you do. Because if you didn't your head would most likely have been split in two long long ago.

If I know nothing else, I so know ONE thing.

With you as my son I will NEVER. ever. ever. forget that I need Him too.

Because I surely do suck at being your mom all by myself.

Oh Ya! YOU too can join JenniJiggity every week for Open Letter Thursday.

All you have to do is Write an Open Letter on your blog, and include a link to Jiggety Jigg (you can grab my button)!

Then go to her site, sign the Mr. Linky Widget, and visit the other bloggers who are playing along!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Hurrier I go The Behinder I get!

Have you ever noticed that there never seems to be enough time in the day to do everything needs to be done???

My To Do List is starting to grow appendages.

I know. It's a sickness. ButUrbanDictionaryJust.Rocks!

Now I've had to add a *More Things To Do List AND an Even MORE Things To Do List.

There's just something wrong with that I think.

Maybe we should add some more hours.

Or maybe it's just the whole *Martha brain thing coming out again.

One of these days ... I'm gonna get that right;) You just wait and see.

I'm thinking that could possibly take a while so...

You might not want to wait HERE the whole time.

Just return to your regularly scheduled program You can check back once in a while.

A couple weeks.... 10 years.


 I think I'm just going to put that on the To Do Eventually List;)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Because I Could Hear You....

Okay. So, Thing4 was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

Because that is what he does best.

He was behind me and he thought I was distracted playing with Thing6.

*All knowing Mommy "Elijah! Stop it right now!!!

*Shocked Thing4 "But how did you know..??? "

Deep thoughtful silence ....

"OHHHH ... you saw me with your back eyes didn't you???"

Yessss. Yes I did.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Mommy Confessions ... but God said yes!

It's Friday once again.
Time for another round of...

Mommy Confessionsss

dun du dun dunnn....

Not only is Thing1 smarter than me, but he's also a better person.

Yesterday he called me on not being nice.

Of course, the conversation I was having was with Someone Elsee and we were OUTSIDE the back door almost whispering so the ONLY way Thing1 could have heard was with his EAR to the DOOR and really ... you can't complain too much about hearing something you don't want to hear when you are EAVESDROPPING...

But what I said wasn't nice.

At all.

And Thing1 did hear.

*Hanging head in shame*

While I'm confessing, I should probably also mention my ineffective discipline techniques.

Yesterday Thing4 got in trouble for having something that he wasn't supposed to have, and I said "But you didn't even ask..."

He replied "Ya. I asked God. And He said yes!"

Dead serious. With a totally straight face.

Aaaand I just walked away laughing.

The Mommy Confessions is a weekly series by Life Starring the Kids & Me.

As moms, many of us have things that we would like to get off our chests or that we would just like to confess. So here is the place to do it!

Once you read here, pop over to her page and link up with Mr. Linky (if he's in the mood).

Join in and spill it....

What's YOUR Mommy Confession?

Friday, June 26, 2009

So, apparently it's Friday.

And that means it's time for...

Mommy Confessionss

Hmm... what to confess what to confess???

Whatever it ends up being, you're getting it in List Form.

Because I just saw the Listiest.List.Ever.

Aaaand ... now I want to make one.

I have to get the Martha out somewhere.

Lucky you

  • I ... am a horrible horrible friend. Yep. I totally suck. If my friends call me I will always make time for them. They all know they can show up at my house, any time they want or need to. And they do. But, I don't really call much. I mean, I could call. But I'm not so sure they'd be happy when I called them at 1:30 in the morning. Because, for some odd reason, that is always about the time I think about calling people. I think I've made it to like 3 birthday parties. Iwasonlyontimefor1. I also made it to a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, and was in a wedding. Which I was on time for. You're welcome Jene:) So...this was actually a pretty good year! In all fairness I did warn them all up front. But since they are SO amazing they love me anyway. And not only do they call, they are always at birthday parties. Wow. You guys really do rock;)
Umm... let's see. What else.

  • I am always late. Always. No matter what. And it makes me insane. I hate to be late. But, it seems like the harder I tried to be on time, the later I am. Um. Ya. Soooo I don't really try anymore. Now ... I kinda just roll with it. Oddly enough, I've been alot less late. And, just to let ya know... I know when I'm late. So you know how you call me ... to tell me that I'm late, forcing me to stop whatever it is I am doing and answer the phone so you won't be mad at me for being late and not answering the phone??? Ya. That just makes me later. Because I have to STOP what I'm doing. I know. I'm late. I'm really really sorry. Again. I suck. But... I still have to finish whatever it was that was making me late in the first place.

  • And, usually... when I say I'm fine what I really mean is that I am FreakedoutInsecureNeuroticandEmotionallyunstable. But ... fine sounds much better. ONLY read the 1st and the3rd ones. The others are just... well ... disturbing. If you can't control yourself and ONLY read those 2 DON'T CLICK THE LINK. I really should put a disclaimer on here somewhere about those links. Whaddya think? *I am not responsible for the content behind the links. I just found it. I didn't write it.
I'm going to stop now because I think I'm giving myself a complex.

Don't worry I'll be *fine. Really.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Open Letter to ... The Creator. Ya. It's late. So what?

Dear God,

Please forgive me for losing my patience with Thing4 when he cleaned the kitchen floor with toothpaste last night.

Thanks for all of the awesome *things You give me.
And for making Thing6 the*MostCutestBabyEver sooooo snuggly:)
And quiet.

And Thank You for the *minty fresh scent in my kitchen now. It goes well with the Mr. Clean w/ Febreeze.
Oh .. and Thank You for Febreeze because it rocks!

So, I see You've decided to clear some time in my schedule.
And...I'm just kinda curious what this means exactly.
I'm sure You have a plan, but...sometimes Your plans aren't so fun for me until after they're over. If that's the case this time.... could you please send me a memo so I can be prepared???

And speaking of preparation, I have the Mary heart down pretty good, but I'm still stuck with this Martha mind so, is there anything we can do about that?

I have a few questions I was hoping You might answer for me. Not exactly *Secrets of the Universe questions, so maybe You will.

  • Why is it that You created toddlers with more energy than thier mommies?

I mean, I am the one who has to chase them.
I was thinking I might be a little more effective if I could actually catch them.

  • And Why is it that when I tell one child Noooooo, another one comes right along trying to do the same. exact. thing. that the previous child just got in trouble for.

What's up with that???

  • And why is it that when there is a car, tools and a man in a garage, alllll of the *men from miles & miles are drawn to it like somebody pulled out a big magnet and sucked them all in. 

Where do they come from? Does it really take that many men to change brakes???

I think that's all of the questions I have. For now.

Just so You know, out of all the Things That Rock! YOU are the *Most rockin!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Come As You Are

Hey! It's Tuesday! Know what that means? It means you should be at the Un Mom, the blog that pops up when you google stuff like "I am just going to type in something random and hope something turns up".

For reals.

Although, that isn't really THAT random. Really random would be "do ninjas like cake?" which also, apparently, gets you to her blog.


  • The Jon & Kate thing. It's EVERYWHERE. Everywhere! Why???? I just don't get it. Have we truly been reduced to finding entertainment in a struggling marriage? Really??? Seriously??? Why??
  • Someone @twittered that u were getting old when you didn't know what channel MTV was on. And ... I already feel old enough so... I 'm now following MTV on Twitter.
  • I always say *thank you to Thing6 (thelast&finalbabyfromtheh&hbabyfactory whichisnowclosed fooorrreeevvveeerwhojusthappenstobethemostcutestbabyever) when I make his grabby little hands give something up. Today when I took something he was trying to put in his mouth, he held out his hand to me and said Thank you Thank you Thank you. Okay, it sounded a little more like tauc da tauc da tauc da. Close enough for me. Not close enough to actually give it back but...
  • Would you think I was the Worst~Mother~Ever if I told you I seriously want to invest in shock collars?? For the kids?? Just at bedtime???
  • I have some friend requests on Facebook that I'm just scrolling right past because I have no idea who they are. Do I know them??? Should I know them??? What if I should and I ignore them and they get offended??? So whoever you are ... Who Are You??? Cause until I find out I'm just gonna keep ssscccrrrooolllllliiinnnggg right past ya.
  • Now I'm really ninja's eat cake? I know ninja turtles like pizza. But that's about the extent of my *ninja knowledge.
  • I CANNOT get the theme song for Camp Rock out of my head. That has to be 20 different kinds of sick. I've been singing Jonas Brothers aaaalllllllllllllll day. Freakin Disney Channel.
Cause we rock! We rock! We rock on!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

What really? Reeaally?

Oh. My. Goodness.

Do you think it's bad that before I can write anything I have to *clean my blog.

Yep. I just scroll up and down looking for things I don't like so I can delete them.

Some ... ahem Beenie... might call that ocd.

Others ... me!!!... might disagree.

Okay, so I like things a little ... neat. And if that neatness extends to mayo on a piece of bread then, so be it!

Alright I admit it. it's sick. I cannot, cannot make a messy sandwich.

I like things to be neat. Not that they ever are. Well, they are, but only for about 2.5 seconds, which, I just happen to know is Thing4's record for completely trashing a *just scrubbed bathroom. Or a clean pair of pajamas.

Tonight he was skateboarding inside the house. Inside! The kids were all laying on the couch watching DCMovie so I went to "the Garage" (read: man!cave) to talk to SomeOne and within 7 minutes Thing3 was outside to let us know that Thing4 was not only skateboarding through the house, but he had built some kind of ramp involving chairs & jumpropes. Seven minutes.

Maybe he's going to be a world famous engineer or something.

According to him he's going to be a *Fire Fighter.

Don't mistakenly assume I did...that that means he's actually going to put out fires though.


He's just going drive around in the Fire Truck with the siren on all day.

Because that's a *sweet ride.

And he can go fast.

And because the other cars move out of the way for the Fire Truck.

And that's awesome.

Think he spends too much time in the man!cave?

Cheater Cheater Cheater

Since I like it so much, and because I was SO good at it last time, It is once again time for...............

Mommy Confessionss

I cheat.


I'm a cheater.

I say *maybe to my kids instead of giving them a real answer.

Even when I know what the answer is going to be.

I know.

Bad mommy.

But I can't help it.

I felt like I was telling them NO all the time.

"No. You cannot shoot your brother off of a trampoline cannon."

"No. You cannot get up on the stage at Hannah Montana & do the *Ice Cream Freeze."

"No. You cannot slide down the skateboard ramps at the skatepark at church."




Meanwhile SomeOne Elsee is saying...




"Sure. You can use those 2 big hawk feathers to fly to China."

"Sure. You can use this model rocket to shoot your brother to the moon."

"Sure. You can color yourself as a rainbow. Use these markers!"

I was tired of being the mean one. So now I just say...

"Um... maybe. We'll see."

The Mommy Confessions is a weekly series by Life Starring the Kids & Me.

As moms, many of us have things that we would like to get off our chests or that we would just like to confess. So here is the place to do it!

Once you read here, pop over to her page and link up with Mr. Linky (if he's in the mood).

Join in and spill it....

What's YOUR Mommy Confession?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You play ball like a giiirrrrrrrrl!

So, I had a pretty good day today. You?

I've been having a great big AHA moment.

Those are always good ;)

It's like there were all of these things just dumped out on the floor of my mind ... just there.... kinda like a bunch of Legos that have been knocked over and abandoned ... probably by Thing6... for a brighter, shinier new toy.

All of a sudden they've become this intricate thing like... the things you can build with Legos if you can read the instructions. Which I can...not do apparently.

I know. Just follow the directions! It's not rocket science.

Thing 1 can.

Aaaand I'm feelin smarter and smarter all the time.

There should be a list of what to REALLY expect when you're expecting.

#1 Atleast 1 of your children will be smarter than you. And know it.

but you can blame that on ...

#2 Losing brain cells is a part of labor.
One minute they're there and the next...they're just gone.


In my mind this is said in the voice of the little kid from The Sandlot.

Ever seen that movie? Oh come on you're killin me Smalls!

I would look up a clip for you but I know how much you like to research things for yourself.

Ok I have absolutely nowhere to go after that so...

I DENIED Thing4 the mommykisswhichmakeseverything,everythingbetter today.

Ya. Mean mommy.

He was playing outside and got hurt and came in to get some *feel better so I hugged him and asked him what happened.

He looked at me in all teary eyed seriousness and said "Mommy can you kiss my butt cause I hurt it when I fell off my skateboard."

#3 Always Always Always ask where it hurts before you offer to kiss it.

Yes, they are all mine.

So I read something earlier that completely crackered me up.

It was a post devoted to one of the first questions and most asked questions that I hear when someone finds out that I have six children.

And I Completelyyy Understood her frustration.

My 2nd Most asked question is tied between "You mean you gave birth to all of them???" (The answer is yes by the way. Every single one of them. ) and "Do they all have the same father?'' Again yes.

Sometimes I am tempted to say ... no. they all have three different fathers.Each. I'm not really sure what they're expecting to hear.

My favorite (picture this word dripping with sarcasm) definently has to be "You know what causes that right?" or any variation of that sentence. Apparently there are many ways to ask the exact same question. And they are all equally annoying.

Um.... ya. We've managed to figure that out. Thankss... ;)

What are your Most Asked mom questions?