Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just because everything's changing doesn't mean it's never been this way before.

I guess It's Been A While. I used to blog here but.. since I'm technically Not A Wife anymore it just didn't seem right. I'm in a completely different place now. Starting Over. So I figure since everything else is Fresh and New, my blog should be too:D

That and well... if you know me then you know I really just like starting new blogs. I guess some things aren't so different;)

If  I'm being completely honest (and really, what's the point in not??) then I have to admit that I have very ambivalent feelings about the whole starting over process. Most days I feel like it's an Amazing opportunity. The peace I have that I was never able to have before. The freedom of being able to become Exactly who I was created to be. It's indescribable. But it's also Definitely still a Work In Progress. Because other days I feel Exhausted and Overwhelmed and like This Shit Is Just Hard.

There's an analogy in one of my favorite books, The Shack, that describes our spiritual growth as being like a fractal garden. When you're standing in the middle of it, it looks wild, unorganized, like a mess. but when you stand back and look from afar you see the patterns emerge and it's beautiful. I know I'm in the middle of it and all I can see is a big hott mess. But it's nice to think that someday I will be able to stand back and look from afar and see that there is something beautiful there after all.

At the end of the day, I'm thankful for where I am, and most of all I'm thankful that He's Not Finished With Me Yet:):)


Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I LOVE that you're blogging again! No matter what place you're in, I can't wait to hear about it :)

Heather Denise said...

I lovee you girlie. Thank you for ALWAYS supporting and encouraging me<3