Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Everybody needs an Emmett.

One of the speakers at the Women of Faith conference this year was Lisa Welchel. I don't know if you remember her or not but once upon a time she played Blaire on The Facts of Life.

To be completely honest with you, I wasn't really looking forward to hearing her speak. I don't know why. I have absolutely nothing against the woman.

Ironically enough, she was the one that God used to speak to me the most.

He's pretty funny that way :)

It was kind of weird actually because the details and circumstances of my life are nothing like hers. But the emotions and the isolation that she experienced... the walls that she built around herself... I was surprised to find that I could relate to every single thing that came out of her mouth.

At one point she was talking about when she attended a WOF conference (before she started speaking) and she went with Anita Renfroe, who spoke last year. If you're not familiar with her you should look her up. She is hi-lar-ious.

Anyway, she was sitting there listening to Marilyn Meberg (also VERY funny!) talk about all of these things she's been through and how she wouldn't have been able to make it through any of it without Emmett who was this amazing friend and then she went on to describe their friendship...

And Lisa Welchel talked about how it just hit her, right then and there how she had closed herself off from having open authentic relationships with other women and other people for so long and all she could do was sit there and cry...

And she said (this is Lisa talking...), "Anita took one look at me and asked 'You don't have an Emmett do you?' And I said 'Noooooo.' and then Anita says 'Well... I would make a sucky Emmett but I'm going to pray for you to find yours.'

And as I was sitting there... in that arena filled with thousands of other women... listening to her share her life I realized that I have done the same exact thing.

I have built walls around myself so high and so solid that it would probably take longer to tear them down than the Great Wall of China.

As I came to this realization, the tears just started streaming and all I could do was just Pray for God to start tearing down those walls... and to send me my Emmett too.

Since that little Emotional Breakdown I've also realized that there are things that I am meant to share with others. That I need to stop feeling unworthy and ashamed and... afraid.

He has plans for me. Because somewhere out there is someone who needs ME to be their Emmett.


Rebecca said...

Aww, that's awesome. I'm glad that someone said the exact thing you needed to hear and find it funny that it came from the least expected speaker. I know God can tear down the walls faster than you think...he's got big shovels that are probably sparkly...why not? LOL I hope you find your Emmett.

Christine said...

Awww! What a great message! I'm so glad you were able to go and hear the message that was meant for you :) And now I TOTALLY get it, Emmett IS like a Rockstar! It makes you feel good, gives you the energy to go on when you just don't think you can, and is readily available at your local convenience store ... WAIT ... okay maybe not that last one ;-)

I just KNOW there is an Emmitt (or Rockstar ;-) out there for you, and I TOTALLY believe that you are MEANT to be someone elses! You are AWESOME! ILY!

Heather said...

Awww. Ily guys! Ya'll really do rock! :)

Becca I bet they ARE sparkly & isn't that Just Like Him???

Chriss you just shed a Whole New Light on Rockstar. If you DO happen to find a convenient store that has Emmetts let me know k? LOLOL

The Jacobsen Family! said...

God really is amazing, and He DOES work in mysterious ways!

Heather said...

lolol that's putting it mildly. i never know what to expect :)

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

So great to hear about your experience! I love how God works in such surprising ways.

I don't have an "Emmett" either - but I have my twin sister and I am so blessed to have her. I can't imagine life without her.

But I still long for closer girlfriends -- I have met so many dear dear friends online... I just wish they lived nearby so we could have coffee more often.