Add all of these together and you have a pretty accurate visual of the Ocean of Laundry that I've been doggy paddling through this week.

And most of them look like this....

Ehwww! How do they even DO that!??
So I'm Putting The Smackdown on it.
And I'm going to Shout It Out.

Because by yesterday of next week it will look like this...
Sigh. OKAY it will really look like this...

But I'm good with that too :)
For more Tackle It Tuesday's and/or Wordless Wednesday go see the girls @
LOVE the picture of the laundry spilling out of the machine. And why does the dirty laundry look so clean? Are there people out there with dirty socks that don't look like that picture? If so, they're not having nearly enough fun. Would you be upset to know that I 'Zout it out'? And I'm confused, is that a laundry room in a closet or a closet in a laundry room? Either way it looks bigger than my living room! LOL
Me too.
It looks so clean cause It's Not Mine. lol
Sometimes the dirty socks around here are Even Dirtier than that ;)
WTHeck is Zout??? Didn't you learn anything from my MANY laundry hating posts???
IDK what that is but it's clean and organized and prettyful and I want it!
Laundry sucks. I never seem to see the bottom of either the hamper or the basket. If it's clean, it's not folded, if it's not clean, it's floating on the floor of the garage. I stink at laundry.
Oh I'm rooting for you, yes I am... I could have posted this same thing.
Now I feel guilty about my own
happy ww!
What is going on with the socks getting like that? I have that problem over here!
Great pics! Happy WW! *HUGS*
wanna do mine now? you know, now that you are all warmed up and stuff?
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