Thursday, April 26, 2007

boy *Things & girl *Things

You wanna know what drives me crazy about trying to tell ya'll stuff sometimes? Words just don't look the way I say them. like, how often do you talk like this? Where every word is just clipped off neatly at the end. NO emphasis. No pronunciation. It's just ...wierd. Ooooor maybe it's just me? No. You're supposed to say NO.

I was thinking about when Thing 1 ~9yob~ was like 2. Closer to 3. But still 2. He has always been SO self reliant. He can & wants to do everything for himself. This was an extremely annoying trait to me when he was my only *baby. When I had all the time in the world ~ or atleast all the time in the day ~ to cater to his every little desire. But now, that there are 4 more not~so~self~reliant..make that 5 more, I am singing the hallelujah chorus.

I have a point. I just haven't gotten you to it yet. Hang on. I'm getting there.

I was talking to a friend (1 of the many 2) who I LOVE and we were talking about Thing 4. And how I have to make sure that no matter what I am always always up & at the very least, semi~coherent BEFORE he wakes up. Or Chaos will reign. & that is just *not the way I roll ;)

That made me remember when Thing 1 was like 2.

& he woke up first. And apparently... had a little time on his hands...before he came into our room all happy & excited. He made us breakfast. Just like daddy does. Cause he loves us so much. Ain't that just the sweetest thing?

You can see where this is going can't you? 2 yr old. Unsupervised. Kitchen.

Say it with me now... a recipe forrrrrrrrrrrr...... what? I can't hear you.

OmGOODNESS let me just tell you what we walked into. A lovely breakfast buffet. Uncooked 'scrambled eggs' ~the good kind~shells & all~ beautifully arranged on the front doormat. 3 bowls sat ontop of the coffee table. Full of jello. And cheerios. And milk. Yummy. A nice contemporary look ....a walkway made of cheerios & grape jelly ...led us into the kitchen.

Need I go on?

I find it oddly funny that the girls *Thing 2 & Thing 3, (Thing 5 is not old enough yet...thankfully;) who love love LOVE to be in the kitchen with me, have never experimented on thier own. And NOT because they are less adventurous. Trust me. I have had walls decorated with you~don't~even~want~to~know~what that just toss that theory right out the window.

Maybe it's a girl thing. Thou shall respect the kitchen. The kitchen shall become your friend. I really like the kitchen. Not so much, my kitchen. Just the kitchen in general, as a room.
I don't know why. I can only cook good enough to not starve my family. That's about it. OH but I make a *mean sausage gravy & biscuits. And pasta. And chicken. And porkchops. Okay, maybe I'm not as bad of a cook as I thought. I must have gotten a little better since the last time I checked. & That's always a good thing.


Charity said...

Oh what fun memories. They are such a pain at the time...but such sweet things to remember. Noah is SO much more laid back then Anna...buuuuuuuuuuuttttt, I don't know...they could probably run a tight race in making the biggest mess....remember...boogers on the wall...AAAAAnnnnnnnddd so on. Catch ya later girlie!

Rebecca said...

That is great. Seriously. I'd so rather have funny stuff like that to look back on then having the most perfectly well behaved child. We haven't gotten the breakfast surprise yet but we have gotten plenty of surprises involving spreading diaper messes on walls, crib, blankets, toys, bathtub, etc. My mother in law told me that my husband and her brother once dumped everything 'dumpable' in the kitchen onto the floor. Wet, dry - all food that they could reach had been poured out.

tegdirb92 said...

this sounds a lot like what goes on in our house!! Sometimes I have good intentions of making a "teaching lesson" out of me cooking and having my kids watch but it always ends up in disaster!! We have 5 kids too and all of them would love the opportunity to paint the walls with anything lying around!! You're such a breath of fresh air--knowing that I am not alone in this mommyhood "battle"of wills!

I raise my mostly empty and already spilled, cookie infested, plastic juice cup to you :)

Toni said...

No pictures? I want pictures. This is sooooo hilarious. Somewhere I have a picture of my 1 and 2yo's covered in flour. No one's ever attempted meals though. I also have a picture of the dandelions my dd picked for me when she was about 4yo. She put them in a dixie cup....'bout 9 dixie cups to be more specific. They were all over the bathroom sink.

Which reminds me, I did blog about the PBJ my 5yo attempted to make awhile back. The photos said it all (all the way down to the shattered jar of grape jello on my kitchen floor).
Yep, would love to see photos of your breakfast chef's work. You did take them, yes? ;)

You can see it in her eyes said...

LMAOO !! I remember when Tristan did that ! haha ... well i don't remember myself ... cause i was like ... young ? Well . i was like ... 9? idk but i remember you telling me about that ....or maybe i actually REMEMBER it ... ok bear with me now ..

WHAT ABOUT BRUCE ALMIGHTY ??!?!!? it's killing me . why would you start like that and then leave us hangingg !! uhhh !

Heather said...

lol @ charity's boogers on the wall (only cause I've BEEN there!!!)

ooooooh Becca been there too ~ just wait till yours want to surprise you;)

tegdirb92 thank you! I love your blog! And to you I raise my plastic cup...of cheeto infested sweet tea which is also already been spilled & is half empty.

TOni I KNOW i know but that was like 7 yrs ago BEFORE I got digital. So I have a pic somewhere...

Brit I will call you & tell you about Bruce Almighty. lol. & it wouldn't surprise me if you remember it ;)

Looney Mom™ said...

LOL! I would have freaked at that sight! What a lovely mess, but at least it was made with love. Too funny.

And I'm sure you're a better cook than you think. There are so many easy recipes out there that you really have to TRY to screw up. ;)