Tuesday, April 17, 2007

H square to the 5th power.

A mystery is a reality whose existence we can perceive, but whose inner workings we cannot understand. Einstein.

That quote has absolutey nothing to do with this post by the way. I just liked it. So I stuck it up there. For no reason at all.

Bet you thought I had some deep, profound & wise thing going on here huh? Nope. Not so much. 

You know who is pretty deep, profound & wise? Melanie Faith. You should go check her out. She's good people. And she's challenged me to Get Some Goals! Ooooh. That hurts a little. lol.

the top 5 to 10 goals that you gotta’ get so that you can truly say you have achieved your wildest dreams in life.

One of my truly wildest dreams....
is to be able to *tinkle.....
all by myself....
without being followed.....
or otherwise interrupted by loud crashes and bangs and clunks and 'Mommy Thing 2 is trying to climb out the window again" s. Causing me to perform a feat that would challenge even 'Mighty Mom' herself.... .....
stop mid~tinkle.
After having 5 children.
That's pure superhero type stuff there.
But I have no clue how to make that happen.
Or I would already be enjoying that *tinkle freedom.
Goal 1 ~ Find someone who knows.
Another of my wildest dreams
is to get out of the house
into the truck
and further than the entraceway
before hearing the words
"Mommy I can't hold it"
after I asked each & every one of them.
3 times.
And made them try anyway.
Because I knew what was going to happen.
So you see,
I've covered all of my bases.
And again I have no clue how to make that happen.
Which brings me to
Goal 2 ~ Find someone who knows.
My absolute wildest dream ....
is to never have to do laundry
ever again.
Eve really screwed us with that whole apple thing.
If it weren't for her
There would be NO laundry
But since it's not a perfect world
I'll just keep my clothes on
Thank you very much.
It's better that way.
For all of us.
Unfortunately I can't go back
to the garden
and warn her.
So I have no clue how to fix it.
And there we have
Goal 3 ~ Find someone who knows.
And there it is. Okay, so I obviously dont have very lofty aspirations. No hall of fame for me.
But it is what it is.
My wildest dreams come true in finding contentment in what is already in my path.
My biggest goals are attained by just making the most of the life I have.
Well, that & maybe learning from someone who knows! Beause I sure as heck don't ;)
But maybe some of these girlies have a clue....
I'm passing the buck to ya'll. Now you've 'Gotta Get Goals'.


Rebecca said...

I love your list. Tinkle freedom? I think I heard somewhere that comes when they start leaving the house? I was thinking of something that included no laundry so if you find that someone who knows let me know k? k.

Diane said...

Interesting list. I'm still thinking of mine. Gotta give it a lot of thought. Will let you know when I've posted!

You can see it in her eyes said...

Yeah ... it might be a while before i can post a list ... haha gotta think about that one :]

besides ... i can`t tag anyone cause you`re the only one who reads mine ... :[

Diane said...

Got it posted - enjoy!
Blessings ~ Diane

YoungMommy said...

I've been by a couple times in the last few days just to read your posts... I've been bad about commenting. Just not enough TIME!

I need more time for this one, I think... I'm workin' on it, though :o)