Monday, April 30, 2007

Well that's convenient

Guess what we saw today? You're never going to believe it.

A rose.

Made out of panties.

Now I'm not completely naive. I understand that there is obviously a huuuge market for those things.

I mean, Really.

What girl wouldn't want one?

What shocked me about it, was that they were being sold at the cash register of the local convenient store.

The one where I have take my children in with me to get stuff.

My children.

Half of whom, are still in the if~you~can~get~it~in~your~grabby~little~hands~then~it~must~go~into~your~mouth phase.

It doesn't always make it to the mouth though.

On a good day.

Which today was.

But those hands are really .. grabby. And quick.

My children.

Who ask questions about everything. everything!

And not quietly either. Not even a little bit.

It's like they have a rule or something.

But only with an audience.

The bigger the audience, the louder the voice.

Like they're taking a poll or something.

Ya think they're checking my answers?

Maybe I should rethink this homeschooling thing.

They might be learning too much.

Isn't there another rule out there somewhere that say mommy's always right?

Atleast when it comes to the little *Things.If not, we should definently get one of those.

That could be useful.

Anyway, the above combination of Things, convenient store counter paraphanelia & other people within hearing range is just not a good mix.

How is it a *convenient store if I still have to go to cvs?


You can see it in her eyes said...

YESSS ! I have accomplished my goal of being the first person to comment your blog ! go me :]

That is quite funny cause your kids do ask rather embarrassing questions with really loud voices !!

But i love them ... and this blog made me laugh .

Rebecca said...

Hey, thanks for the great bridal shower gift idea. I could give my sister a dozen pantie roses ~ you think I'm kidding don't you? Only halfway. It could be cute, I could do a little mix of colors and can picture her face when she realizes what they're made out of. Hmmm....I'm sure they're pretty cheap at the convenient store counter - so it could at least be part of the gift. At my daughters baby shower they made little rose centerpieces out of baby socks. It was very cute.

Rebecca said...

P.S. God's grace for your family as you are moving. I hope things go smoothly for you all. Glad you made it onto the blog again. :)

Diane said...

My little ones do the same thing. It can be *so* embarrassing. But of course I don't have to tell *you* that.

I try to just stay away from convenience stores if possible. The check-out counters are so full of smut. Check out the half naked bods on the magazine covers while you're checking out your merchandise ... yuck!

Blessings ~ Diane

kim-d said...

A rose made out of panties, huh? Well, that is, I guess! A little strange, in my opinion--but convenient. As for your children's embarrassing questions in loud voices? My 5-year-old granddaughter is the Princess of Loud and Embarrassing. So I always give a sympathy smile to the Mom when I hear it happening! It really is kinda cute and funny to those of us who are overhearing it!

jesse said...

Why is it that our kids feel the need to say or ask the most embarrasing things loud and in front of the whole world. For instance my daughter will say "Mama I have to go poop." Gotta love them.

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! OH! ROFLOL! Sorry I missed that little flower... and I CAN'T BELIEVE you think I have ANYTHING worthwhile to say!

I am thinking about your move though, and YUCK! I hate the act of moving. I love the *adventurous* feeling of being somewhere new though, and I especially would be thrilled by starting out with clean corners. (((((HUGS))))) sandi~still so excited that you linked to me! WOW! I feel FAMOUS! LOL!

tegdirb92 said...

LOL--I think I was behind you in line at that convenience store! But my kids decided to pick that rose up and pull of the "petals" HMMM...perhaps they should move those things under their counters and make people ask for them if they wish to purchase them. Have a great day!

ArrowsInOurQuiver said...

Hey girlie! Well it does sound like you've had an interesting day. Well, I was just now able to get back on my blog. It was like God was saying, "No, you have too much other stuff to do" Well, He IS ALWAYS right! Anyway, it let me back on here I am! Well, I am praying for you guys as you make your big move! Hope everything goes smoothly! You are coming to OOOOOOklahoma right? Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains....!? Just hoping. Well, catch ya later!


Real Life Sarah said...

I would so NOT want to meet the person who buys that! (Unless it is for a wedding shower, that is kind of funny!)

I always cringe when the checkout person is either a short-haired woman or a long-haired man, because my 4 year old will always ask,very loudly "Mommy, is that a boy or a girl?" I've started whispering to her, " It's a girl/boy" before we even get to them.

PS I don't remember how I found your blog, but it's great!

Heather said...

LOL ya'll crack me up!

I'm relieved to hear it's not just mine!

Becca~ That IS so funny! I'm not sure if they come in other colors at *other locations, but these were all in a lovely shade of street~walker~red. If you do give this gift that keeps on giving, please take a picture of her reaction:)

& ty for the *prayers.

I hear ya Diane~ there is a certain drive thru store that I no longer drive thru b/c there are "half naked beer ladies" (you know those stand up cardboard people) that my children are disturbingly fascinated by.

Kim~ I think it ...strange too. lol. I'm glad there are people like you listening and not just the ones who are thinking " what is this woman teaching her kids????"

LOL @ Jesse's daughter. You definently gotta love them.

Sandi~ it was prettyful you should have seen it;) I am SO looking forward to those clean corners.

You are just too much. (((hugs back at ya)))

tegdirb92~ was that you??? ROFL. I agree there's gotta be a better place for those.

Charity~ i was wondering where you were! lol. Happy to hear everything is good. Thanks for all of the prayers.

singforhim~ that is too funny. Good lookin out answering before they ask. lol. & thanks. I'm glad you *found me:)

Brit~ You're a trip girlie. GO you!