I've been trying this new thing lately. Being quiet. Think before I speak, if you will. I know. I should already know how to do this. I'm sure I've learned this before at some point in my life. But I just don't think the lesson took. Obviously. Or I woudn't be *practicing the art of keeping my mouth shut. Right now. Probably at this very moment.
And ya know what??? It's freakin HARD to do sometimes. *Especially when I think I'm right. Or righteous. Since I've been keeping my thoughts to myself, they're overloading my brain. I barely have time to register 1 thought before the next one comes popping along, rudely interrupting like there was nothing there already.
So guess what? It's your lucky day! If you like random and unorganized. I won't be offended if you don't. Really. Not even a little bit. That does mean that it's not~so~much your lucky day. But these thoughts have to go somewhere. So..either way, here's some random truthiness.
- If you don't know me, you might not know that I'm a compulsive listmaker.
- Unless it's just that obvious.
- I think I've finally figured out why I like lists SO much.
- They surface clean my brain.
- & they somehow make even the utterest of chaos look neat & organized.
- You know how I feel about surface cleaning.
- In a perfect world, if I made a list of every single piece of clothing my children have gotten dirty this week if it would *magically clean itself.
- Have ya noticed it's not a perfect world?
- Guess that means I should get on that laundry a little quicker.
- So I'll save that list for another day.
- You should be careful what you name your children.
- Has anyone ever told you that your child's name determines what kind of person they will be.
- They lied.
- My sister wanted to name her youngest daughter Harley.
- I don't know why.
- My mom (hers too) told her she would be a hellion with a name like that.
- So they named her Rebecca Lynn.
- Such a sweet name.
- Thing 2 cracks me up.
- I think it's because she's ALOT like me.
- I tend to crack me up too.
- Someone has to amuse me.
- It might as well be myself.
- Thing 1 *9b did something earlier.
- I don't remember what.
- But I said ' Thing 1 I don't find that humorous at ALL.'
- Thing 2 *6g ~ in her little girl princess~like little~girl~way ~ says
- 'Not even a little bit!'
- Do you consider yourself a quiverful mom?
- I do.
- As far as quivers go, mine feels pretty full sometimes.
- But I like the organized chaos of it.
- What I did not know was that there is an entire MOVEMENT.
- What exactly is the movement for?
- And where is it going?
- Why do we take 1 little part of what we are supposed to be about
- and let that define us.
- Why are we so intent on trying to make our mark on the world
- that we forget to leave his imprint in the world.
- I had a conversation once.
- I've had a conversation more than once.
- But I had this *particular conversation once
- A girl I had just met was asking me what I do.
- As in, for a living.
- When I told her I was a sahm of 5
- and a homeschooler
- she got this really confused look on her face
- And asked if she could ask me a personal question
- Sure.
- why not.
- we're used to it right?
- But then she proceeded to ask
- somewhat bashfully and embarrassed,
- 'How do you give them all a bath? I mean, how does that work?'
- I promise.
- That is what she asked me.
- Just when I thought I'd heard it all
I really can't believe you're still here. Amazed really. So, umm.. great job! You deserve some kind of reward for that endurance. Let me see what I can find for ya.

1. If making a list ever cleans your laundry, let me know.
2. I'd be right there with ya.
3. I think Rebecca Lynn is a pretty sweet name too ;)
4. Though, I heard plenty of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm?" growing up.
5. Never saw that movie (Shirley Temple)
6. Don't like 'Becky'.
7. I still don't know what the movement was and now I'm curious.
8. I'm glad you've had more than one conversation.
9. Did you tell confused girl that baths took too much time?
10. So you just hose them off in the backyard - saves on time & water?
11. If not you should next time someone asks you.
12. I'll have to think of my "most bizarre thing I've heard moment"
13. Then I can post about it for you to read.
14. It's on my list of things to do.
15. Ya know *that* list, the one that keeps growing.
16. I need to type up that list.
17. Is this a long comment list or what?
18. :)
19. Thought you'd appreciate it.
20. So, now I am craving cookies.
21. Is that supposed to be my reward for reading your post?
22. Great reward if I was close enough to drop by and enjoy some.
23. Guess I'll have to settle for the Mocha Brownie Avalanche ice-cream in the freezer.
24. Now you want ice-cream huh?
25. If you were close enough to drop by I'd share with you.
26. Sorry.
27. I hope you have a good day.
28. See you on the blog later.
29. I should do some more work on the house.
30. First, I'll go make that list.
31. Maybe the list will complete the work for me...
ROFL I *most definently appreciate the list comment. You crack me up girl :) Oh and thanks for the ice cream craving now. You should be a better sharer...
Heather i love you .
That was so OCD but it`s all good !
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