Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh I wonder... wonder ~ is it bedtime yet?

Today I have
  1. Washed, dried, folded & fluffed (ha ha ha do you really believe that?) about 200 loads of laundry. Really. That's not an exaggeration.
  2. Wondered how such relatively CLEAN children can make thier clothes SMELL so BAD.
  3. Changed roughly 30 (million) dirty diapers.
  4. Wondered WHY they have to be SO much like thier dad in *that respect. Maybe HE should be the official diaper changer.
  5. Listened to Thing 1 describe ~in detail~ his latest story creation. Life in Snotland. Complete with illustrations. And maps. "Dad lives on booger lane, where do you want to live?" uhmmmm... As far away from there as possible.
  6. Wondered if there is a way to somehow count this little project as 'school'.
  7. Kissed thousands of boo boo's. Real & imagined.
  8. Yet, when Thing 4 smacked his head (hard enough for me to HEAR the Whomp) and I asked him if he wanted mommy to kiss it he just said "No it's good ma" and continued on with his little 2 yr old life.,
  9. Wondered when my love for my children overcame my complete disgust for all things feet.
  10. Watched Thing 5 make faces in the mirror.
  11. Wondered how long the "playin with the pretty baby in the mirror" game would actually be entertaining.
  12. 47 minutes. Yes the child looked at herself in the mirror for forty seven minutes.
  13. Aaaand we watched her the entire time.
  14. Yes we have no life.
  15. We started out with nothing.
  16. And we still have a little left.
  17. Listened to Thing 1 tell the very vivid (& unfortunately true) story of how he and Someone Elsee caught a dead cat while fishing the day before.
  18. Apparently it was SO cool.
  19. But only because it was already dead.
  20. Wondered if the entourage of pets that have lived & died during thier time with our children, has emotionally scarred & completely desensitized my child.
  21. Was actually thankful to find out that he cried when they caught it.
  22. Felt bad for being happy about a crying child. Still a little happy to know we can skip the years of therapy.
  23. Would have skipped the therapy anyway. We have daily therapy sessions on our knees.
  24. Wiped snotty noses 400 times.
  25. Once with my shirt.
  26. Wondered if the snotland story was based on actual facts.

*** Edited to add ~ Thing 1 has brought it to my attention, that the reference to booger lane was incorrect. It is actually booger pit road. And his dad not only resides there, he is the king of snotville ... er snotland. Thing 1 has very *graciously forgiven me for this error. According to him I am not expected to really understand such complex ideas. Thank God for that. I was having quite a hard time wrapping my tiny little brain around such a big thought. ROFL


Rebecca said...

Have you noticed that we change our blog layouts around the same time? You'd think they were dirty socks with how much we do that. I change my dirty socks *way* more often than I change my blog, nearly everyday ;) This time I'm not changing though, I won't do it, I will resist. I like the new layout, though I've also liked all the old ones. But this one is obviously better if you are eating chocolate. I would have thought that seeing a chocolate beach everyday would increase the chocolate consumption. Your day certainly sounds full & fun ~ Life in Snotland could fall under the creative writing category right? I'd say so. Have a great one!

runningtothecross said...

I am getting to the point of changing my blog page again. I like my page at HSB, but the one here at blogger is getting annoying...I can't stand the LOOOOONG column on the side. I am working on a 3 column layout on an experimental blog page. I need more link space...LOL!


You can see it in her eyes said...


When i read the part about 'thing 5' making faces at herself in the mirror i started cracking up ! Cause i thought about when you me and mama were sitting outside. .... when was it ? Friday ? Yeah and she just randomly started making faces in the mirror .

Snotland .... or road or what ever it is called sounds ....ummm....interesting ... lol

i love your kids :]

Rebecca said...

If Thing 1 (or any of the Things for that matter) got their spunk from the Biggest Thing of All then you must have your days filled with laughter and some heavy eye rolling ;) So, if dad is the King of Snotland does that make you the Queen? I'd hate to see what the crown is made out of. I would not recommend that as a school project - unless it only consists of color crayons & paper - no 3D projects made with *anything* else.

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said...

You're makin' me laugh today! LOL! and *THANK YOU!* for the anniversary wishes!!!!! (((((HUGS))))) sandi~excited to get on that thinking award post~just need a minute to get myself together!