Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Come As You Are

Hey! It's Tuesday! Know what that means? It means you should be at the Un Mom, the blog that pops up when you google stuff like "I am just going to type in something random and hope something turns up".

For reals.

Although, that isn't really THAT random. Really random would be "do ninjas like cake?" which also, apparently, gets you to her blog.


  • The Jon & Kate thing. It's EVERYWHERE. Everywhere! Why???? I just don't get it. Have we truly been reduced to finding entertainment in a struggling marriage? Really??? Seriously??? Why??
  • Someone @twittered that u were getting old when you didn't know what channel MTV was on. And ... I already feel old enough so... I 'm now following MTV on Twitter.
  • I always say *thank you to Thing6 (thelast&finalbabyfromtheh&hbabyfactory whichisnowclosed fooorrreeevvveeerwhojusthappenstobethemostcutestbabyever) when I make his grabby little hands give something up. Today when I took something he was trying to put in his mouth, he held out his hand to me and said Thank you Thank you Thank you. Okay, it sounded a little more like tauc da tauc da tauc da. Close enough for me. Not close enough to actually give it back but...
  • Would you think I was the Worst~Mother~Ever if I told you I seriously want to invest in shock collars?? For the kids?? Just at bedtime???
  • I have some friend requests on Facebook that I'm just scrolling right past because I have no idea who they are. Do I know them??? Should I know them??? What if I should and I ignore them and they get offended??? So whoever you are ... Who Are You??? Cause until I find out I'm just gonna keep ssscccrrrooolllllliiinnnggg right past ya.
  • Now I'm really wondering...do ninja's eat cake? I know ninja turtles like pizza. But that's about the extent of my *ninja knowledge.
  • I CANNOT get the theme song for Camp Rock out of my head. That has to be 20 different kinds of sick. I've been singing Jonas Brothers aaaalllllllllllllll day. Freakin Disney Channel.
Cause we rock! We rock! We rock on!!!


Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'm starting to thing Nickelodeon is on a personal mission to make sure I see every iCarly ever made....They never go AWAY!

Heather said...

lol its on RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Christine said...

*oh girl, how you make me LOL!
*I too am afflicted with the Facebook Quiz Addition! I mean once I found out that I was Cleopatra in another life I HAD to know what percentage of crazy I was!!! LOL
*I totally think Seacrest is a name dropper!
*The whole Jon & Kate thing is just SAD from beginning to end. At least the network has halted production. Not at the family's request mind you, at the NETWORKS request. But at least this freak show will be over and those kids can find some kind of normalcy ... at least as much as they can with those two for parents lol
*I missed ya girl, you make me LOL ;-)

titus2woman said...

~I have a son that LOVES Ty Pennington, but he calls him Bryan Seacraft....

~I also have ninja-obsessed boys who say that they surely partake if they want to! LOL!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi~so HONORED by yer mention!!!