Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Mommy Confessions....dumdadumdum

SO, I was clicking around websites earlier. I know. There were probably 8 trillion other *things I could have been doing that would have been waaaay more productive.

But I wasn't doing them. I was doing that instead.

While I was doing that I came upon

Mommy Confessionss

And I liked it! So....

TADA...that was my 1st confession.

I wasted an hour and a half today reading blogs when I could have been doing more productive things like scrubbing the bathroom floor. Again. Because somehow, even though it gets cleaned every morning, by the end of the day, I feel like I've stumbled into a citgo gas station bathroom.

Which leads me to another confession. I don't really clean the bathroom every morning. I clean it every time I go in there. But I didn't want you to know how anal I am so I wasn't going to tell you that.

But really, I have to be.

There would be no other way to maintain my sanity if I wasn't.

There are (atleast) 6 sets of dirty kid shoes (which can get very dirty by the way) trampling all over it all day, boys who somehow *forget to lift the lid (which is not for lack of being reminded I might add), toddlers who like to make *tissue snow (read: tear up the toilet paper into teeeeeny tiiiny bits and throw them up into the air so they will fall all over the floor, which, by this time, probably has water all over it (because no matter how much clean water the dog has in a bowl the kitchen she prefers to drink out of the *bowl in the bathroom), the mirror has a filmy layer over 1/2 of it because certain little girls decide *leave messages in lipgloss and then try to wipe it off (so mommy doesn't see) ~with toilet paper~ so now the toilet paper is stuck to the floor AND the mirror, not to mention the footprints ON the toilet seat because for some unknown reason atleast half of my children squat ON TOP OF IT to poop.

I don't know why.

I swear I did NOT potty train them in the back yard.

So, if you ever come to my house and have to use the bathroom, please be aware that I try to pick up the bathroom every hour or so, but it only takes 20 minutes for all of that to happen so.....enter at your own risk.

And guess what???

There was another confession.

I'm pretty good at this ;)

Right on!

Ok, while I'm at it I might as well admit......

I know almost every theme song on the disney channel. Including Hannah Montana. Which has got to be some kind of sick. I even caught myself thinking that Billy Ray Cyrus is pretty yummy now, which is odd because his achy breaky heart never did anything for me before. So now I'm wondering, is he really yummier now or does bad taste come with getting old????

I totally ball at the end of Prince Caspian when they have to leave Narnia EVERY single time I watch it.

I am a terrible *what I want to be when I grow up role model* because earlier today, when Thing1 asked Thing5 she wanted to be when she grew up she answered "A big scary monster".
To which Thing2 added "Well mommy you always say anything's possible."
Well...that's not quite what I had in mind when I said that.

Aaaaand the worst confession of all.......

I am a secret~closet Twilight fan.

I've read all of the books.

Okay. Twice.

And seen the movie.

Um....several times.

And I am going to see New Moon AS SOON AS it comes out.

Which, I just happen to know is Nov. 20th.

I think I'm all confessed out.

For now.

Do YOU have a mommy confession???
Link up over at Life starring the Kids and Me and let us know.


Linda @ My Trendy Tykes said...

The bathroom is my nemesis. I don't understand how it can get so dirty each and every day. My cat drinks out of the toilet.....Yep, fresh water in the bowl and she heads to the toilet? I don't get it either.

Flying Giggles and Lollipops said...

I completely understand, now. Yesterday we had my niece and nephew over...ages 4 and 8. They spent the day at our house. I usually use the bathroom in the back of our house, so to my surprise, when I went to give my daughter a bath...complete mess! I have no idea how it is even possible to make such a mess of a bathroom in one day. There was dirt everywhere, a little muddy. The bathtub was covered in it as well as the floors and sink. There were little pieces of wet toilet paper all over the counter, sink, floor and bathtub. Apparently, my nephew decided to wash his feet using toilet paper. I was exhausted and had to clean up that mess before giving my daughter a bath. I have no idea how you do it. I think I will stick to my two girls. More power to you!

Kekibird said...

I went from a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment where the bathroom always stayed pretty decent. But now with two bathrooms, I'm constantly forgetting about one and only cleaning the other. So when I get around to bathroom #2, I'm amazed that the filth! So gross!

Thanks for stopping by!

Mama Nut said...

My bathroom is a sand pit. No joke. The kids come in from playing the sand outside and dump it all in the bathroom.

In bathtub they go! Then they must have had hidden sand in like creases and butt cracks, because the bathtub fills with sand after a few minutes.

AHH... I hate the sand.... now sand in the laundry basket... different story!

Melanie said...

Don't you just love that about kids, what takes us 30 minutes to clean takes them 5 minutes to ruin. lol

Thanks for visiting my blog Heather.

Staci said...

I try my hardest to avoid cleaning the bathroom, thank goodness I have a 4 year old who thinks cleaning is the coolest thing ever. (I haven't taught him to do toilets yet though...)

Oh, and Billy Ray Cyrus has definitely become hotter over the years. Wonder what his secret is.

titus2woman said...

HA! I have a toilet-hoverer, too! My downstairs bathroom is basically a mudroom, as it's right by the back door. The kids get their water to make backyard mud things there, and I'm not like you. I just don't clean it at all! LOL! I mean, what's the point? I'd love to friend you on FB~I'm Hugs sandi... . (((((HUGS))))) sandi