Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yes, they are all mine.

So I read something earlier that completely crackered me up.

It was a post devoted to one of the first questions and most asked questions that I hear when someone finds out that I have six children.

And I Completelyyy Understood her frustration.

My 2nd Most asked question is tied between "You mean you gave birth to all of them???" (The answer is yes by the way. Every single one of them. ) and "Do they all have the same father?'' Again yes.

Sometimes I am tempted to say ... no. they all have three different fathers.Each. I'm not really sure what they're expecting to hear.

My favorite (picture this word dripping with sarcasm) definently has to be "You know what causes that right?" or any variation of that sentence. Apparently there are many ways to ask the exact same question. And they are all equally annoying.

Um.... ya. We've managed to figure that out. Thankss... ;)

What are your Most Asked mom questions?


Julie@Momspective said...

The levels of rude people can be are truly astounding sometimes. Amazing!

Leslie said...

I agree. People can say the most rude, horrible things. And I honestly believe that they have no clue about it either.

Lisa said...

The one that really irritates me is, "You know what causes that, don't you?" They think it's clever.