Thursday, June 25, 2009

Open Letter to ... The Creator. Ya. It's late. So what?

Dear God,

Please forgive me for losing my patience with Thing4 when he cleaned the kitchen floor with toothpaste last night.

Thanks for all of the awesome *things You give me.
And for making Thing6 the*MostCutestBabyEver sooooo snuggly:)
And quiet.

And Thank You for the *minty fresh scent in my kitchen now. It goes well with the Mr. Clean w/ Febreeze.
Oh .. and Thank You for Febreeze because it rocks!

So, I see You've decided to clear some time in my schedule.
And...I'm just kinda curious what this means exactly.
I'm sure You have a plan, but...sometimes Your plans aren't so fun for me until after they're over. If that's the case this time.... could you please send me a memo so I can be prepared???

And speaking of preparation, I have the Mary heart down pretty good, but I'm still stuck with this Martha mind so, is there anything we can do about that?

I have a few questions I was hoping You might answer for me. Not exactly *Secrets of the Universe questions, so maybe You will.

  • Why is it that You created toddlers with more energy than thier mommies?

I mean, I am the one who has to chase them.
I was thinking I might be a little more effective if I could actually catch them.

  • And Why is it that when I tell one child Noooooo, another one comes right along trying to do the same. exact. thing. that the previous child just got in trouble for.

What's up with that???

  • And why is it that when there is a car, tools and a man in a garage, alllll of the *men from miles & miles are drawn to it like somebody pulled out a big magnet and sucked them all in. 

Where do they come from? Does it really take that many men to change brakes???

I think that's all of the questions I have. For now.

Just so You know, out of all the Things That Rock! YOU are the *Most rockin!


Christine said...

ROFL girlie. I have had MANY of those same questions myself ... SIGH ... thanks for the giggles ;-)

Heather said...

anytime. lol

Kekibird said...

Jeeze....I've begun to worry about the creation of the toddler and the lack of evolution on the part of parents. What gives? Why are they so much more apt than we adults are? Shouldn't we get super powers once we procreate? Wouldn't that be awesome....make a baby then BOOM! You can slow down time to stop that vase from crashing into the floor or to freeze that milk before it's tipped over.


Heather said...

yes! super powers would indeed rock! i have acquired the *power to stop ~ mid tinkle. but that took years ;)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Too funny! Thank goodness I've only had one toddler at a time to run after (mine are 8 yrs apart - not by choice, but by design).

Linda @ My Trendy Tykes said...

bwahahaha! Ok back away from the computer. HURRY!

I have also been known to get on those quiz sites and stay for awhile.
Shoot...Sometime I take them over and over again until I get a result that I am happy with, ya know?

Rebecca said...

LOL - I have missed your posts! I didn't realize you were posting again until Chriss shared the good news. I been wondering the same thing...we're too young for those kind of disappearing acts! I've been running on pacific time lately so I feel you there. Have a great weekend!

Muthering Heights said...

Your question about toddlers having more energy than their mothers is a great one! I would like to know the answer to that one too...

Jenni Jiggety said...

Hey! My wonder bra is doing some wondering, too!