Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Linky Bloghoppin Stuff. On A Tuesday.

All of my favorite things in 1 post!

Lists, Multi-tasking and Efficiency.


We're takin a walk on the *wild side;)

I know.

Martha, Martha, Martha!

She pops up so much lately I'm beginning to think she's a whole 'nother personality.

Would that make me schizophrenic or is that only if I start talking to her???


So here are 29 things about me that you might not know and probably didn't want to but have always wanted to.
  1. I'm terrible at small talk. Even if you call it "fellowship".
  2. I'm shy. Really. Just pass the doughnuts, and please don't make me talk.
  3. Unless I know you. Then you probably won't be able to shut me up. Because chances are you're the FIRST adult conversation I've had all week.
  4. So I guess you get that I'm not big on social settings.
  5. or public restrooms.
  6. or other things that smell bad.
  7. I really really love Febreeze.
  8. and Shout.
  9. I can use an ENTIRE bottle of Shout in 3 days.
  10. I really really do not love laundry.
  11. It is possible to feed kids all.day.long and then look up at 4pm and realize you forgot to eat. Again.
  12. And then you're so hungry you could eat ... well ... something you normally wouldn't.
  13. I keeping a running estimate of the caloric values of everything I eat in mind.
  14. If we are what we eat, I am 1/3 veggies, 1/3 carbs, and 1/3 Chocolate Chip Cookies.
  15. I'm thinking that if you’re anal retentive ocd enough to calculate calories and then admit to extreme cookie consumption, you probably should not make such information public:D
  16. I write inspirational, * chick lit.
  17. I would love to be published one day.
  18. But would hate all the social scenes that might involve.
  19. Stormie O’Martian’s The Power of a Praying Wife was Life.Changing.
  20. My husband and I have been together for 10 years.
  21. I was very young.
  22. And very, very stupid.
  23. And God has done SO much with me that now I would only add 1 notveryemphatic very before the stupid.
  24. And that's saying ALOT.
  25. God is really really good.
  26. I like to talk to Him when I'm half asleep snuggled under the covers.
  27. And when I'm driving.
  28. Which often makes the people driving beside me look at me like I'm insane for talking to myself.
  29. 30% of those times I might...actually... be talking to myself.


Kekibird said...

Nice combo of the Mr Linky and random thoughts. Was considering the Mr Linky but I decided to ixnay the idea this time around.

Rebecca said...

That was a lot of random stuffs. I have that book & loved it, should probably read it again. LOL Shout - NOT spray n wash! haha I can't imagine you being shy but believe it because I'm the same way. Don't count calories, esp if it's 1/3 cookies. Where's the beef? We should start a remember your lunch support group. lol

Christine said...

LOL LOVE your list SO much! And I agree that you and Rebecca should start a chapter of SMA ... Starving Moms Anonymous. Maybe then you people would be more than STICKS! lol j/k ;-) I kid because I love ... and because I'm jealous. :)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who usually has one cup of coffee in the morning and then my next meal is dinner and late night werepigging.

Heather said...

@Kekibird i've been trying to do it for 2 weeks now & i finally made it. lol

@Rebacca *shaking head. ALWAYS shout! the beef? okay. don't laugh. i have this system for eating. 1 thing at a time. and they CANNOT be touching cause that's just GROSS. vegetables. starch. cause i heart pasta AND potatoes. and i dont care how many carbs they have! and then meat. usually i'm full before i get to the meat. lol.

We should SO make a facebook fanpage for SMA. maybe people will feel sorry for us. and send us chocolate cake and cookies;)

lol @ christine well...it's no Listiest.List.Ever

rofl @Evil Twins Wife no. you are not alone. just like MJ says:)

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said...

Great list! I'll tell you something silly about me: Sometimes while thinking about my darling out in public I zone out and say out loud (not realizing I'm saying it actually TO someone), "I LOVE YOU!* I get quite the look after such an incident.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi

P.S. Google Bing Futch! AWESOME dulcimer player, AND taking his name "in vain" also brings great relief! ~I should put that in SiLLiNeSS!~

Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) said...

I love your list - I could have totally written that about me! :)

Happy RTT a day late! :)

Jen said...

I love a good random list! It is a great way to get to know someone and since I'm new to your blog it was nice to learn so many things in one post. I had to crack up at the calorie counting/ choco-chip cookie thing. I do the same thing but with dark chocolate candy bars. :)