Friday, July 3, 2009

The Mommy Confessions ... but God said yes!

It's Friday once again.
Time for another round of...

Mommy Confessionsss

dun du dun dunnn....

Not only is Thing1 smarter than me, but he's also a better person.

Yesterday he called me on not being nice.

Of course, the conversation I was having was with Someone Elsee and we were OUTSIDE the back door almost whispering so the ONLY way Thing1 could have heard was with his EAR to the DOOR and really ... you can't complain too much about hearing something you don't want to hear when you are EAVESDROPPING...

But what I said wasn't nice.

At all.

And Thing1 did hear.

*Hanging head in shame*

While I'm confessing, I should probably also mention my ineffective discipline techniques.

Yesterday Thing4 got in trouble for having something that he wasn't supposed to have, and I said "But you didn't even ask..."

He replied "Ya. I asked God. And He said yes!"

Dead serious. With a totally straight face.

Aaaand I just walked away laughing.

The Mommy Confessions is a weekly series by Life Starring the Kids & Me.

As moms, many of us have things that we would like to get off our chests or that we would just like to confess. So here is the place to do it!

Once you read here, pop over to her page and link up with Mr. Linky (if he's in the mood).

Join in and spill it....

What's YOUR Mommy Confession?


Rebecca said...

Don't you LOVE when they catch you off guard like that? That was a pretty good comeback though, I mean really - who are you to argue with God? ;)

Heather said...

i know right. there was absolutely NOTHING i could say back to that!

Brittanyy :D said...

LMAOO!!! i could sooo see elijah saying that! like face and everything! oh and btw, nice move with the lindsay lohan link and the "woman of questionable morality" thing. that got me haha and yes, i do click all the links hahahaha

Heather said...

& u so just get me;)

Meagan and John said...

a few weeks ago we started a "sit don't stand" when using the potty policy, so when my son walks in the bathroom and announces he has to pee (you know the way all 4 yr olds announce it) I remind him of the new potty policy and he informs me

"No, mommy, Jesus told me I have to stand and not sit"

yep, no way to recover from that one, after about 10 minutes of trying to think of a way all I could tell him is, "well mommmy is just going to have to talk to Jesus about why you have to sit and he will understand"

Heather said...

do yours *stand on the toilet too? atleast half of mine squat. on top of the toilet. idk why.

i'll have to remember the *Mommy will just have to talk to Him .. very clever;)

Anonymous said...

haha nice heather.
i hung out with tristan to much. now he listens to convorsations like me (:
heheh.. you shouldnt be being mean auntyy !!