Friday, July 17, 2009

The one where God surely does have an ironic sense of humor...

One thing I have always always known, regardless of anything else, is that I wanted to be a wife and a mom. No matter what else I did ...that was a *given.

I remember praying for this as far back as I can remember. And my only *request, was that the man I fell in love with would have a passion for me that was so intense it would only be superseded by his passion for Christ.

Had I known then what I know now I would *most definently have thrown in a few more particulars about dishes and diapers ;)

Of course I was really only expecting to have 1... maybe 2 kids.


SO... my Alohaa Friday questions for YOU are...

  1. Is there anything you've always just KNOWN about your life?
  2. Does it look the way you expected it to?

Now, head on over to An Island Life to link up and answer some other, more interesting Aloha Friday questions.


seaprincess72 said...

that's tough. let's see, i think i've always known that people change. no matter how much you hold on to them, eventually their bound to do or be something diffrent.

A Frugal Friend said...

The interesting thing life looks so different than I would have planned. Some great.....some real sad.

I never would have guessed I'd leave my professional life to be a stayathome mom (and love it) and I never would have imagined my family turned upside down when I lost my mom unexpectedly. My little one never knowing her grandma wasn't anywhere in my plans.

You just never know....

Great question!

Shelly said...

No, life doesn't look the way I expected it to. I hadn't planned on my first husband leaving me when my son was 2. But things worked out for good; I am re-married and happy. Sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned, but God can use those things that are not so good and help you grow & gives you second chances.

Thanks for dropping by my blog! Have a great weekend.

Becca said...

I just take my life for what it is and enjoy it :)