In that case, just go stand in the doorway and give them a very quiet *Air Hug.
Cause I'm surely not getting any more babies back to sleep tonight.
I am dooonnneee! The SuperMommy cape ...aka Thing4's blankie... is hung up for the day.
Guess what's coming up ya'll???

I LOVE their disclaimer.
Note: As we all know, plans can change, but this is what we expect.
Truth in advertising.
I'm totally using that from now on so....
if you know me, you can just expect to hear that from me in the future when we make plans ;)
I'm sorry I suck like that but iloveyou anyway.
I personally think that you should hug your kids everyday but hey... who am I to argue with a National Holiday?
I can see it now...
"Nope. Sorry. I already hugged you this year. You have 258 more days to go before your next hug."
I'm sure that would go over well.
So, here are 6 reasons to Hug Your Kids ... everyday :)
1. Because they cheerfully and gracefully suck up any punishment that you dish out...
Thing1 "You shouldn't ground me because I've been mommyblogged! Since when is public humiliation considered an effective form of discipline?"

2. Because they know how to cover their bases...
Thing 2 "And Dear Lord please forgive us for all of the things we did and said that were not good today, and please forgive us for all of the bad things that we are about to do."
3. Because they have such an extraordinary sense of smell...
Thing3 "This flower smells" long, thoughtful pause ...
Mommy "...a flower?"
Thing3 "Nooooo." ...deep sniff of aforementioned flower ... It smells like A Beautiful Day!"

4. Because if you can't do it, they will...
Thing4 "It's okay Ma... don't be a scaredy cat... I got this"

5. Because they are unwavering in thier convictions....
Thing5 "Well. You're not the boss of meeee."
Mommy "Yes I most certainly am the boss of You. I am The Mommy! The Mommy is always the boss.
Thing5 "Well. You aaarrreee the boss of meeee."

6. Because they are just SO gosh darn huggable!

Now, that just makes me wanna go and find some slobbery baby kisses. Because those are my favorite ;)
So... go hug Your kids!
And have A Beautiful Day.
And if you're very very lucky ... maybe You can find some slobbery baby kisses too ;)
whatever i rock :D aww that's cute :D
We all need a hug every now and then. Thanks for the reminder.
I do love the huggies!
I am going to go hug them right now even though some one did just poop on my carpet. *sigh*
aww i like that one a lot better :D OCD much?
that pic of thing6 is flippin adorable ! and the picture you have for thing3 goes right along with what she said :D my little fairyy. :)
AWWWW! LOVE this post, it almost made me CRY! So sweet :) *Thing 6 has the most adorable curls EVER!
I admit to being a horrible mom - I've been neglecting my hugging duties! But in my defense, with this huge boulder of a belly attached to the front of me, hugs are not the most comfortable thing to do right now. I will devote tomorrow to hugging. You will have made the 2 year old a very happy girl!
Great post. I loved the photos & quotes from all of the things. :) I think the flower smelling like a beautiful day was the best! Just remind thing 1 that when he brings a girlfriend over not only can you pull out the photo album but bring dig through the blog archives too! Won't it be sweet? ;) I noticed the hug day doesn't apply to either end of Kennessee so I'll have to stick to my regularly scheduled daily hugs. :D
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