My firstborn. My most intelligent, most responsible child
How do I know this? Because when I logged in at 7:53 this morning I got this notification...
Tristan challenged you to a quiz. View quiz >> 5 hours ago.
Didn't really think that one all the way through didja?
The next time you get to tell Facebook What's On Your Mind will be about the time Thing6 starts preschool.
So my darling Thing1. I'm happy to see that you're so *itk on short text words.
Maybe you can figure this one out.
Now, I'm off to try and figure out how to lock this baby up. Or down. Or .. idk cause I've never had to do it before. But just know this. Compared to getting into this computer .. getting into Fort Knox will be like takin candy from a baby.
Actually that's really not so easy.
Have you ever tried it? Babies are very ...grabby.
I'm gonna try again.
Compared to getting into this computer .. getting into Fort Knox will seem like a piece of cake.
Yummy chocolate cake.

Now I want cake.
So I'm off to put the cuffs on Thing1.
Well... maybe I'll just go find some cake first ;)
Oh busted! I say cake then cuff 'em.
sadly ... there is no cake. so we'll hafta just go straight to the cuffs ;)
Oh, man! Technology is awesome but it screws ya, too. I would be mad if I was his Mom but I'm betting he'll be kickin' his own ass a bit as well!
OH GIRL! I am SO sorry for your Tween drama. Here at mi casa, the Boy JUST got off a month long grounding complete with room. STRIPPED. I think honestly it was JUST as hard on US! But I am PRAYING that he learns his lesson! The only thing I would say is, whatever you tell him you're doing ... follow through! Once you let those crafty little Tweens win ONCE ... they're ALL. OVER. YOU! Good luck ;)
My son has a computer in his room. We were having problems last summer with him being up and on it all hours of the night.
He is now allowed one hour of computer time per day and after he uses it, he hands the mouse over to me, where I hide it! LOL.
Ha! Ow3d!
call me an idiot but I have no idea what any of that stuff stands for. I think I should learn as I have a kid although she is only 6 at the moment.
LOL mouthy - she may start learning that stuff before you know it.
ttyl = talk to you later
itk = in the know
g4l = grounded for life
So Heather - how did the punishment/getting caught go over? I hope he didn't try lying about it.
PS Go get cake!
he took it like a man. except for the fact that he had *been mommyblogged* as he told theBiggestThingofThemAll. He was kinda pissed about that;)
I say cuff him and make him watch you eat cake and play on facebook.
HA HA HA!!! I love this! YOU GO, ROCKIN' MOMMY! and you know, if you really did move near me it would only MAKE MY WHOLE LITTLE LIFE!!!! ~Though neither of us would EVER get anything done in LIFE ever again... No, that's not true! We would teamwork together to be close to each other all the time! LOL! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
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