Friday, April 5, 2013

Just in case you're wondering...

I think I have a problem. Well...maybe more, but for the sake of this post (and my poor *dignity) we'll just focus on the one for now.

I seem to have this, ummm... anal retentive perfectionism thing going on. My niece called me OCD. And not in a good way. (Atleast, it didn't sound good. But she's a teenager so really, who knows!) But I think it's time to bring it out in the open. The first step to freedom is admitting you have a problem right? Step up and tell the truth. And the truth shall set you free.

My name is Heather. And I have 3 blogs. And I am constantly changing them. For those of you who *may have already noticed this, I don't think it's because I have multiple personalities and am attempting to please them all .Though I could be wrong. It's been known to happen. Once or twice. A day. It's because I can never seem to represent exactly who I am, only a part of me. I've tried to break myself down into labels. I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm not just a homeschooler. Or a wife. Or a mommy. Or a christian.

I can't define myself by one aspect or one part of who I am, and what my purpose is. I am a homeschooler. A wife. A mommy. A christian. I am all of those things. And more. (But if you've ever talked to me for more than 5 minutes then you know what a complete mess I am so anything 'more', okay anything less too, isn't because I'm so great or anything.)

I'm ready to see the *big picture. I'm ready to start putting together all the pieces of the puzzle that is my life. Right here. For all the world to see. Okay, so it's *slightly unlikely that 'all of the world' actually reads this. Or ever will. But it's here if they want to. (And why wouldn't they?? :)

So for those of you who know me or have read my other might see a few familiar posts. :) They might be better now. So just wade through it! Keep the good stuff. Forgive the bad. Hopefully you'll be inspired. Or at least not offended. I apologize in advance for the randomness that is me.
And I leave you with this thought... any one else ready to get out of the shaker with me?

God, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again. You are my praise!

1 comment:

You can see it in her eyes said...

You are OCD . And yes it was in a good way . "But she`s a teenager, who really knows?" WHATS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!! Lol .