Friday, April 5, 2013

ummmm ....

Apparently the visitor will be delayed by about 9+ months. And Thing 6 IS in the works. Atleast, according to EPT....


In other news, a house on 1 acre has fallen from the sky and will be ours in 3 weeks.

Imagine that!


runningtothecross said...

What a blessing! A house and a new baby! God will prepare you for this new little one, I know he will.

My children are all close together, too. When #7 makes his/her appearance, I will have 7 children 10 and younger. The most common space between my children is 18 months, but as I have gotten older it has spread out to 23-26 months (last 2 anyway). I was ready for a baby when my youndest was a year old, but that is around the time of my ectopic.

I guess God thought I needed a bit more time to prepare for this one.
But I couldn't be more excited!


Rebecca said...

Congratulations! Children really are a blessing from the Lord - another quiver for you & hubby ~ Psalm 127. And yay! yay! for the house and the acre it comes on. I'm so glad the move is coming up soon so you can have time to get settled before Thing 6 arrives. God is gracious. I hope you are feeling well & getting all the rest you need, esp during this first trimester. Keep us posted on the progress!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said...


I am really, really enjoying your blog~oh girl! I've had some hearty laughs! LOL! and *HAPPY coming RESURRECTION DAY!* (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Diane said...

Okay so I am really jealous of you now. Another baby AND an acre of land?!!! Boy, the nerve of some people being SO blessed! LOL

So CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! I'm really very happy for you. Anything I can do to help? Honestly - anything? Oh please tell me where (not specifically, of course, for privacy reasons) you're moving to - I'm hoping you will agree to meet me sometime, like at a park or something with all our kids.

Blessings ~ Diane

Anonymous said...

Yea! Congratulations! I am SOOO happy for you! What a blessing! I can feel the baby now! You know, where you can push in on your stomach and feel that little bump that wiggles and kicks! Yeah, I felt the baby for the first time yesterday. I am anxious for a doctors appointment to tell if I am further along than I think, because from my calcs. I am 14 weeks. Well, I'm so happy for you! Have a great Easter!


Mom Tu-Tu said...

Congratulations on both counts! Sounds like everything is working out for you.

Melanie Faith said...

Congrats on the baby and the house!