Friday, April 5, 2013

That mom plays the name game.

I think I've become 'that mom'. No, not that mom, the other one. You know, the mom whose mind has completely evaporated to the point that she can't remember her child's name until she gets to it as she goes down the list. I've caught myself doing that SO many times lately.

One of my~little~blessings in disguise, will do something they aren't supposed to do (did I mention that they're not perfect either?) and I will start to call 'em on it, and then I caaaalllll the wrong name. That's when the list starts. And by the time I get it right, I am either (a.) feeling SO guilty (& more stupid than I care to admit) for not knowing my own child's name that I can't bring myself to continue or (b.) walking out of the room looking stern but really trying not to totally lose it because they cannot contain the amusement that they get from watching mommy act insane. It's a very effective discipline method, if you haven't guessed.

So I've come up with a solution.

....I am going to give them all the same name. That way, I can never get it wrong. And more importantly, I will look sane.

I know how important it is for children to have thier own individual identities. So, I'll give them different middle names.

On second thought, maybe I will call them out by name. Thing 1 and Thing 2, Thing 3 and Thing 4, Thing 5...


Charity said...

Sadly, I know what you mean...and I only have 2! AH! I pulled a first yesterday and combined my oldest sons first name with my daughters middle name, making him...Noah Beth....well, he didn't pay much attention, just said, Noah CORT mama. Yeah, well, whoever you are! LISTEN TO ME!

Heather said...

rofl that's EXACTLY what I tell them!

Rebecca said...

Haha, I do that a lot with two kids, the youngest who isn't mobile to even get into trouble. But she looks a lot like my son did as a baby and I catch myself calling her his name. I get my son's & husband's names mixed up all the time. Gee...wonder what that might say - "like father like son" maybe?

Heather said...

That's funny Becca. My youngest son is EXACTLY like his father! He looks & acts like a 'mini me'. Maybe the name game is just a mom thing.

You can see it in her eyes said...

I TOTALLY CAME UP WITH THE THING 1-5 THING ! Cause i told you about the shirts they have now and said that you needed one for all your kids .

hehe :]

Heather said...

you're so right brit. you.rock ;)