Friday, April 5, 2013

Life goes on, sometimes.

I've been racking my brain and cannot find a way to make what I have to say even the least bit witty or inspiring. So I'm just going to tell ya'll and move on. Thanks for all of the happy encouraging comments on the ummmm post.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. I don't want to have a tearfest. I did that already. Yesterday morning when I woke up and realized what was happening. I got back in bed. Pulled the covers over my head. And proclaimed to J that nothing could make me get out of bed. And God quickly prompted me to remember that my son's best friend's mom was going to church with us. For the first time. And that nagging little thought would not leave my brain. So I got up. And life goes on.

If I weren't So freakin intuitive and didn't KNOW my body as well as I do, I wouldn't have even realized it. I would have passed it off as late and heavy. So, is ignorance bliss? In this case I would have to say yes! Unequivocally yes.

The thing that really gets me, is that I was *quite content without a 'Thing 6'. Until there was one. And the second I realized it, the desire of my heart changed completely. Now I want a Thing 6. And it's not there anymore. So what was the point?

I know there is a plan. But I didn't get the memo yet, so I admit I am absolutely clueless as to what the actual plan is. But really, how is that part different from any other day.


Rebecca said...

I am so sorry sweety. I have never experienced the loss you have just had so I don't know quite what to say except that I am sorry. And to agree that God does have a plan for your life. And you will meet your sweet Thing 6 one day, for now he or she is in the loving arms of Jesus looking forward to meeting you & daddy - and the rest of the things. I hope that when the time is right God will fulfill the desire of your heart and bless you with a Thing 7.

Diane said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I *think* the same thing happened to me a few months ago, but I hadn't gotten around to taking the test before *it* happened. So I don't know. But I feel your pain and you're in my thoughts and prayers!